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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. FWIW, Rappaport, who first reported McCown signing with the Browns, said that he was coming here to compete with EJ. Not to be the starter. I'd also argue that Cleveland is the one that "went hard after" McCown, it took a full court, old school recruiting effort from what I've read... Lastly, Leroi, please, just drop in and solve "lmo-gate" - I know you're reading this!
  2. There is, which makes this not a "rumor", but an "opinion". I know Leroi came through on one prediction, does that mean everything he says is gospel and deserves a thread? Not IMO...
  3. #2 in the league, #1 in our heart. The current / 70's unis do pretty much kick ass...
  4. I'm not sure if he'll bring us success, or if the players will love him, but Rex SURE knows how to work the fans! I can see him driving that thing around Buffalo in a Jim Kelly Jersey throwing out cold cans of Genny to the masses...
  5. For the record I loved me some Buddy - that guys pressers were always a thing of joy. Maybe we can bring him back as our PR spokesperson!
  6. Best thing about a Sam Bradford trade - everyone from Bradford, PA can get a jersey with our hometown on the back...
  7. Anyone watching the QBs? Just ran 40s, off to throw soon... Also saw the moment of the Combine when the coach yelled "Hey! Instagram guy!" and said guy did the walk of shame away.
  8. So they followed the corporate client creative rule? Make the logo bigger! Meh...
  9. More from SCPR: http://www.scpr.org/news/2015/02/16/49876/san-diego-chargers-keeping-a-close-eye-on-la-devel/ And the economic impact question: http://www.scpr.org/news/2015/02/17/49831/new-nfl-team-would-likely-have-little-economic-imp/
  10. FWIW, I'm sitting here in SoCal listening to NPR and KPCC is about to do a story on how much money the Chargers moving to LA would really bring. There's a listen live link for those that are interested: http://www.scpr.org/
  11. Went snowboarding on Friday in VT in -14 degree temps, then on Saturday rode a bike to the beach in CA in 80 degree temps. It's a chilly one today though, might not even hit 70! And I'm so loyal to the East Cost becaaaaaause?
  12. And one shortened by a coach trying to save his job, which ironically, he later opted out of. Was nice to have a winning season, would also have been nice to see what EJ could actually do - even with the handcuffs of a Marrone Offense.
  13. "My family and I made a decision to opt out." Translation: Wife Hates Buffalo. He didn't quit, he just, like, stopped going to work...
  14. Wow - what a game, hate to see the Pats win (especially because I'm in Vegas and put money on Seattle). Still, great game - till that ugliness...
  15. So #superbowlrally was an NFL spot? Did they show the Bills??
  16. Actually he totally is a private citizen, by every definition of the phrase, allbeit a high-profile one. But to say "he plays in the NFL, he has no personal life" is just silly. I know a few pro athletes and entertainers, to suggest they dont have a right to privacy because they happen to be really good at things that people enjoy is again, just silly. Regarding Marshawn, I'm suprised everyone cares so much whether or not he talks to the meida. I thought his presser was funny and so did most of the people sitting the bar I was at last night, but to each their own. Regardless, Beastmode is going to keep doing his thing, eating his skittles and scoring TDs.
  17. #itsBoobieD - love this guy, for whatever reason, just feels like a good dude for the Bills... And no Yolo, no love for Byrdman!
  18. Biggest upside of signing Sam Bradford, all of the Bills fans in Bradford, PA that get a jersey with our hometown on it!
  19. I had to laugh when he said "look at the band of colors, the Pats are in a league of their own". Yeah, well, we're close too - in the opposite direction! And we're near the bottom in plays run....
  20. Yes, because Fred had any impact on what happened there o_O Mark this one down as an old school coach not burning any bridges (before he gets a bullet the dome, I guess).
  21. 1) I think that happened yesterday 2) Search: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/175395-chan-gailey-oc-for-the-jets/ 3) CJ is IN!
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