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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Strange they wouldn't add NFLN to the mix... I upped my Internet speed last year and the Sunday Ticket online worked great, also watched the live stream of a skate contest all weekend that looked awesome and didn't hang-up. Better have those servers cranked up for this one!
  2. Ted Cottrell was going to build the Astrodome in Buffalo? Yeesh, they wouldn't even call it the Astrodome - just "comparable". Good thing that never happened How about that page layout? Makes it easy to follow a story!
  3. i.e fixing the players Microsoft Surface tablets...
  4. What if we trade the entire government to San Diego for Rivers??
  5. LINK??? Oh, wait: http://media.wgr550.com/a/103481002/3-19-john-murphy-show-hour-1.htm?pageid=1114062 Starts around 27minutes in. By the way Lal is the Bills WR coach, was the Jets WR coach last year...
  6. IN! Oh wait, wrong sentiment... Yes, I would like some - I'll go with 8 please!
  7. Where's the "draft 5 QBs every year" crowd? Don't know enough about Bryce to say more than Don't sweat the Petty...
  8. No, no, he was right - we MIGHT be in trouble. We COULD be in trouble. As they say here in Vermont - Hard Tellin', Not Knowin'...
  9. Ross Tucker and TKO were on Sirius this morning taking about the Clay contract. Tucker said that we're crazy and that Bills might be in bad financial / cap shape in 2 or 3 years (without taking any specifics about our cap situation in a few years). TKO liked the signing, reminded Ross that's how he was brought to Buffalo (Transition tag poison pill), but said his concern is that the Bills don't know who's trowing Clay the ball... Nothing new, nothing groundbreaking. Is it after 5 days yet?
  10. They're building Buffalo East - OLD Buffalo, that can only bode well for us...
  11. Definitely seemed like a strange off the cuff comment (he said it on NFLN last night), especially because in his next breath he went on to talk about what a great QB Bradford is and how he's a great fit for his O, etc. This is like the time Buddy got 70 calls for our pick (or was it a player...?).
  12. Did the tailgate already start or something? Are you guys drinking heavily at Hammers? Everyone that agrees with the OP, hop in the bus that is this thread and we'll push it off a cliff...
  13. Ralph is Cheap - pony up for the servers! Buddy asleep at the search box!
  14. Fred Jackson made love to my wife and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. To Fred Brasky!
  15. Clearly the OP is from Colorado and has had a few too many cookies this morning...
  16. Did they let him leave the building without a deal? Ralph is cheap, Buddy asleep at the wheel!
  17. In the past everyone would scream "Ralph is cheap! Cash to the cap!". Now we actually USE some of cap space and we're still doing it wrong? Pegula Is Extravagant!
  18. CJ just talked about this. Said he felt EJ *was* too buddy buddy with some of the young guys he came in with and didn't know how to relate (or maybe, yell at / hold responsible?) some of the older guys. He also said that he thinks EJ can be a good QB in the league and just rolled his eyes asking "how can you judge a guy on 14 starts?"
  19. One thing's for sure - Buffalo loves its running backs!
  20. From Sal M's Twitter: "Well, this would qualify as one hell of an interesting trade for the #Bills. McCoy is great, and Kiko was a bit overrated I thought" "After Kiko's first 5-6 games his rookie season, he really wasn't all that much of a difference maker. And #Bills didn't miss him last year" Seems to have the same opinion as a few fans here. I haven't processed yet - I loved me some Kiko, but Shady is a beast...
  21. This is an original thought, did this just pop IN your mind?
  22. Dude, all we need to do is trade a 4th rounder for a top 5 QB and we're IN the Super Bowl. Obviously.
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