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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Just, why? That number font kills me and THEN they had to add a drop shadow? The Browns on the pant remind me of the GI Joe logo. Also, All Orange = Browns?
  2. Freddy? Kyle? Maybe Hammer? No, wait, DEFINITELY Hammer - it would just be nice for him to walk out of his house and see his hame up there...
  3. LINK! It was the 90 second barnburner predicted... http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-network-total-access/0ap3000000484089/Manuel-on-QB-competition-I-embrace-and-appreciate-it
  4. Saving the best for last. Obviously.
  5. Welcome to the party Buzzkill McDowner! I'm just bummed because I forgot to set my DVR before I left home today - guess I'd better make it home by 7!
  6. It was interesting, he seemed to be talking specifically about the terminology around the play calls, rather than the calls themselves. Though, I'm guessing they probably go pretty hand-in-hand! Am I going to be forced to start believing that Hackett and Marrone actually WERE running a pop-gun O??
  7. Posted a summary here: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/177326-voluntary-workouts-april-6/page-3
  8. Woods is on now! Summary: - A lot of energy in the building, everyone is happy to be back, excited - Coaching change: How different does it feel? Rex (and his entire staff) has a whole lot of personality, everyone is vibing with him - What's the O going to look like under Roman? Lotta guys, lotta weapons. Scheme might change week to week. - How much to you know about Roman? We need to be balance, but we need to be one of the best running teams in the NFL (that's what Rex wants), but Roman knows we also need to spread the ball around... - QB Position: (on EJ) I think he's going to be the franchise guy. He was doing his job, but the add of Orton helped EJ understand how it's done - last year EJ was calling meetings on days off, etc. at the start of last year. He's struggled just because it's the hardest position in the game! Takes time to get used to. It's just a hard position! - Weapons on the field: (on Sammy) He'll improve just through experience, getting more consistent every game - How about you?: Just being ready to go! I know the speed of the game, how D's play things, etc. - McCoy add (what's he bring that Spiller didn't): Shifty, makes guys miss, catching out of the backfield - Footballs about change / optimism, what does it feel like in Buffalo? In the locker room?: We added Clay, etc., but you look around and you see guys like McCoy, Clay, Harvin, Freddy, our D - there are PLAYERS all around the locker room. Talked today saying "we can't beat ourselves" - How did today go: Did some meetings, did a little conditioning test, lifting test, started talking shifts, etc. - On Rex saying he wants to win and win big, how much does that pump you up: Always does, great to have a coach that believes that this team can win - we have a coach that believes in our players and that we can win. A lot of guys that know how to win. - How different is the new system (terminology): No real overlap, a little more "pro style" this year. Staff is full of great teachers, so we'll get there! Overall good stuff - just another reason to get pumped up for the season!!
  9. FWIW, Robert Woods is going to be on Sirius NFL in the next hour - I'll post comments if work hasn't interrupted the first day of Bills workouts!
  10. Good stuff - always liked Stevie (even early on), would have loved to see him remain on the Bills, but this is the NFL soooooo... Regardless, seems like a good guy - comfortable in his own skin - as Merriman said, would love to run into him and have a pop or two! Until then, I'll just hold on to my autographed #13 as a memory of the SJ13 x Fitzmagic x Chan The Man years!
  11. Breweries are like Starbucks in VT - there's one on every corner! If you're at the opener, stop by Hammer's we'll have Toppers and much more...
  12. This was suggestion two - get Sunday Ticket online, bring a MiFi and stream the game to something in Hammer's Lot! Now THAT'S about as authentic Bills experience as one can have... :beer:
  13. I'm sure it's a blast - I've only been the night before and after games, love their wings. But yall's right, I'm sure the place is packed on gameday!
  14. I'm going with Burlington, VT or the suggestion above. Either way we'll be drinking lotsa Heady Toppers... Or just keep it at SJF for simplicity.
  15. Sounds like Ross Tucker this week on the Sirius - the Bills are spending crazy, mortgaging their future, putting themselves in cap jail for the next few years. That of course with no facts on future contracts... I'm with everyone that says we have the money and the cap space, we might as well spend it! Nice having an owner that can pay those big bonuses and get the hit out of the way, right away...
  16. Clay happy to join the Bills (D&C): http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/sports/football/nfl/bills/2015/03/24/clay-excited-join-bills/70400868/
  17. DTV offers Sunday Ticket online if you can't get DTV in your building (I, like you, can't get it in my condo because the building will not put up a DTV dish, just a Dish Network dish - okaaaay). I've used it for the past three years now and mostly love it. Just make sure you have speedy Internet, or get ready to yell at the computer / TV! You can also upgrade from just laptop, phone and tablet to XBO / PS4 for like an extra $100 per year (crazy, IMO since that used to be included). Sign up for info here: https://www.directv.com/DTVAPP/nflws/
  18. Boo! Love me some Hard Knocks - that would have made training camp even more must watch TV (you know, if you consider the videos posted on bb.com "tv").
  19. If you're not excited for the season, I question your sanity. Sure we have holes, all teams do, but if a few things come together (like our O can just score some points), we could be in for a fun ride! I REALLY excited to see what Roman will bring to the table - sounds like the O Bills fans have always wanted. Run first. Plays out of multiple formations and personnel groups, a guy that's going to use the run to put the QB in a good spot. I can't wait to see how it all comes together! Is it too early to start tailgating at Hammer's?
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