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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I think the contention is that Sammy is an athlete... Seriously, this is a big deal, how?
  2. Yes, he should literally not give another interview until the end of this season and only then if he had a good year O_o I mean, we have to get to the season before he can show us something! I'm excited to see what happens with EJ this year, that much is for sure
  3. Bills going for the "Hard Knocks All-Star" team with Connor and 7-Eleven...
  4. Without crossing into PPP territory, just had to say I loved this one: Chris Christie says deflategate overblown - now THERE'S a ringing endorsement for transparency! http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/241390-christie-defends-brady-calls-deflate-gate-controversy-overblown
  5. with our luck it'll be a two game suspension - games 1 and 3
  6. I hope he has NFL and catches this clip of Whaley explaining why we didn't draft a QB: http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/GM-Doug-Whaley-on-why-the-Bills-didnt-draft-a-QB/57a5dcb3-f3e5-450d-9721-1308eb84ae3f?campaign=fb_buf_video (And in the next video the give us a decent grade, they must have been watching a different draft that most of the media / half of TBD).
  7. Me too - though between he and Hammer, not sure I can afford that much Vermont beer!!
  8. Sounds pretty damning - love the statement: "Seahawks general manager John Schneider has said the team investigated the matter thoroughly and would never have drafted Clark if they believed he’d struck his girlfriend." Guess they missed these two points: "Clark was initially charged with two first-degree misdemeanors for domestic violence and assault. Three weeks ago, he pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of persistent disorderly conduct in a plea deal with prosecutors." Also: "In Clark’s case, the initial police report states that Hurt told police Clark “punched her in the face” and that she fell backward, breaking a lamp. Hurt’s younger brother, then 15, told police he’d been showering when the altercation began, then came out and “observed Frank (Clark) punching Diamond (Hurt).’’"
  9. @viccarucci: Whaley said gap between Darby and other players on the board was big enough that there wasn't a debate.
  10. Didn't catch that, but durINg the interview they said they were friends sooooo...
  11. The "Round One on the first day" format of the Draft makes day one draft grades even more laughable. Oh the Jets did a great job making this pick at #6. Really - they get an A+ because they didn't screw up pick 6? Here's to hoping for an F- for the rest of their draft
  12. OF COURSE a team wants to move up to 50 to get that can't miss guy - the Bills are just to blind (asleep at the wheel?), to see it!
  13. Cleveland makes this offer virtually assuring that the number 2 pick will be a bust
  14. Kirwan and Jim Miller talking bout RG3 now - said the 5th year option makes him MORE tradable, fwiw. No word on the Bills picking him up though. In the last hour Phil Simms said don't count out Tyrod Taylor, said he wouldn't be surprised if TT was the Bills starter...
  15. That's what I don't get - why didn't they trade Green for a 1st round pick that we can package up for Rivers?!? In over their heads / asleep at the wheel...
  16. - Put on jersey - Hang Bills flag outside of condo - Throw on WGR55 - Text and Facebook the crew to see who's coming over - Check crock-pot, wait for delicious food to finish cooking - Drink beer(s)
  17. Fans about Sammy about EJ: "He's probably not telling the truth"
  18. To quote Jerry Hughes "The way [the Marrone staff] handled their business, I guess that's the way they handle their business" Exactly Jerry, exactly...
  19. I'm pretty sure Chip Kelly has already beaten them to the punch...
  20. FWIW, I thought this was a really good listen. Gotta be rooting for EJ...
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