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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. You do know they're not ON the field yet, right? o_O Of course EJ will have to prove it, but this article shows that maaaaaybe it wasn't ALL just EJ sucking... Also this - it's just mindbottling...
  2. This. I can say that as a Bills fan, that everyone KNOWS is a Bills fan, this whole Kromer thing hasn't even been mentioned to me by anyone...
  3. I mean, this assessment made total sense at the time (with logic and reason even), but that's the crazy thing with the NFL, anything can happen! That's why it drives me crazy when people on TBD absolutely KNOW the future of a player or coach. Maaaaybe you do, maybe not though
  4. I can hear his opening statement now: "The Bills are perennial losers, have not made the playoffs in 15 years, have a bad stadium and play in a small market and some, I suppose, are good people." Thank You Pegulas!
  5. Good tip - I was getting buffering when streaming through Apple TV, so I just ran HDMI from my Macbook to the TV, problem solved!
  6. Is that them, or your Internet connect? I had issues, till my speed was bumped up, now it's almost always HD quality...
  7. I went with the digital package (laptop, phone, tablet), but did not opt for the PS4 steaming since it was like another $150 or so on top of the digital package. Obviously makes no sense since it's coming through the same damn Interweb... Also, I upgraded my Comcast cable to the X1 with "blast Internet" and my streaming video hang-ups were a thing of the past. Of course, my Internet speeds now pin Speetest.net, so I would hope video looks good!! It's expensive, but totally worth it IMO - and I typically go to one game, I live in NE so get at least two on TV and I travel a lot during the season, so I don't even use it for all 16 games. It was sweet a couple years ago, I was on vacation in Hawaii standing on the street in the morning, watching the game on my phone! I'm going to repeat that in Italy this year! Die hard baby... Go Bills!
  8. Which would be greater: - Fans elation that we finally have a "franchise QB"! - The anger that we traded 5 first round picks for a guy that everyone thought we were going to draft in the third!
  9. My brain wants to explode when I remember that in some alternate universe, Marone and Orton could still be here! O_O
  10. Sweet - thanks for the heads-up. Perfect for a rainy Sunday... I watched this game in the Breck lodge with a fun group of GB fans - awesome afternoon and a GREAT game. Even in seasons that don't end in the Playoffs (not sure I've really heard how long it's been for the Bills o_O), it's games like this that make the ride all worth it!
  11. My only concern is the historical records they're going to set will be tough to top next year!
  12. I love when people call the NFL heads and Sirius all chippy about where their favorite player is ranked - they always respond with a "You know this is a made-up, arbitrary list, right?" Arguing about where one falls on this list is like yelling at the rain...
  13. I assume he'll - wait for it - battle for a spot on a roster!? Thanks folks, I'll be here all week / month / year / my life...
  14. I love Murph's show, but Sal has been doing a nice job. His topic last night was great - name the Bills player that really broke your heart when he left. It sparked some great conversation and memories, which I suppose is what good radio should be.
  15. #40 - Bills fan favorite, Jason Peters! Shady tonight, for sure...
  16. The #22 that I bought last year is one Bills jersey is one that I'm always proud to wear wherever, whenever! He's Wall of Fame material for sure... Go Freddy, Go Bills!
  17. What does Hughes know? Is he even a member of TBD? If not, he has no credibility to speak about what's going on internally with the Buffalo Bills...
  18. If you don't feel positive about the Bills this year you had better double (triple?) down on your Xanax prescription!
  19. See, what he said ^ Re: the bolded, don't you KNOW it's because Marrone had to cut all of the options for EJ? Literally a read OPTION. Just one.
  20. In my eyes that this is a little different that what we've heard in the past, this is a respected Buffalo journalist and it's not just feel good quotes about the coach, it's pretty pointed criticisms - EJ getting more guidance than the past two years, lack of awareness of basic route running skills, OL technique and I feel like we've heard similar things from a few players this year. In the end it's going to exciting to see how it all plays out!
  21. These quotes tell me that's not the case: "The players in question also haven’t been publicly critical of the previous coaches, but they are making no secret about how much they have learned so far from the new assistants." And / or "He (Manuel) was essentially thrown into a mostly shotgun, zone-read offense as a rookie in 2013 minus essential training on how to operate it, and wasn’t helped a whole lot more last year." And / or "The receivers showed a general lack of awareness in basic route-running concepts, while the offensive linemen showed they generally needed much more in the way of education about techniques." You're not wrong that the proof is in the pudding, but sounds like last year they weren't event cooking with gas...
  22. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/06/22/vic-caruccis-take-five-bills-offseason-workouts/ "Intensive teaching. The coaches identified plenty that was wrong with the fundamentals of returning players. Although no one from the current staff is going to take public shots at the former staff, there is a clear sense that the new group doesn’t think all that highly of the some of the work done by the predecessors." Yikes at that entire paragraph. Just another reason to believe that this is going to be a fun year - our guys may actually know how to play NFL football!
  23. Why isn't this deal done yet, it's a no-brainer! Buddy, asleep at the wheel!! O_o
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