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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Uh, how? Did you just buy it online and they threw that in the email confirmation? Pricing this year: - Online (laptop, tablet, phone): $199 - Connected device (Xbox, PS4, Roku): $259 - Max (all games on all things above, plus Fantasy Zone and Red Zone): $359 And FWIW, I've had this service since it dropped 3 - 4 years ago and have never had to "prove" that I can't get DTV (other than checking a box that said "I can't get DTV). I've also run it across multiple devices and while the first couple years I did have some lag issues, last year, after I got my new Comcast Blast Internet service that was pretty much a thing of the past. You just need to have Internet service that can pin Speedtest.net
  2. For real - and the season is over despite us not knowing what O they're installing, if routes are run correctly, what the coaches are going for, etc.
  3. Not sure if you're listening to WGR, but Whaley discusses this (headline: It's not easy to find a QB). Talked about potentially looking for a QB in the draft next year, if needed. Sorry, missing half of it since I'm sitting at my desk "working", but I'm sure someone will post the link when it's up...
  4. Since it's an off day, let us take time to smile at this: "Pats QB's struggling at training camp" http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-training-camps/0ap3000000506515/Patriots-QBs-struggling-at-training-camp?icampaign=nflcom-cs-homepage-videoswap_generic_nfl Finally, THIS is the year that Brady is done!
  5. I keep looking for "Pittsford" to pop-up on the map!
  6. Was at last better when they were posting where each day starts (i.e. Page 59!)
  7. Agree - even Cassel made some plays. Was good just to hear that some passes being completed period!
  8. And this on Cockrell: Didn't he get got earlier tonight too?
  9. Sure sounds like a fun night out there - can't wait to read the recaps.
  10. Can't hate on Joe for this one: Kelso said the same thing...
  11. Ha ha ha - love Murph at the end of 11 on 11 "So Kelso, who's leading the Quaterback race now!?"
  12. Murph is calling it live (or maybe a bit behind Twitter), fwiw.
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