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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Dominik said that Rex is just starting EJ to be fair and that he has no trade value...fwiw.
  2. Oooooo! I'm listening to the interview, BTW. Vic thinks they're showcasing EJ for a trade, fwiw.
  3. If EJ could put up point like he can put up pages in a thread on TBD he'd be a World Champ!
  4. Was thinking the same thing - I like the pictures of all the Bills players over the years. I remember a couple rooks mentioning that too - looking up and seeing Bruce Smith or Jim Kelly and realizing the legacy you're part of...
  5. I think I heard brains exploding all the way up here in Vermont...
  6. No dude, the Bills have the worst QB situation in the league - don't you know how to read the narratives!?
  7. For my two teams I went with "Rex-N-Effect" and (of course) "The Hammer Slot" and Ode to TBDs favorite parking son...
  8. I blame Goodell (and / or Obama and / or Marrone)! There was a lot of talk about this on Sirius today - people speculating that PEDs make ligaments weaker and some advocating mandatory braces during Training Camp / Preseason. I wouldn't necessarily be against that...
  9. TBD is People Who Know People! Thanks again Jay - you are the man, see you kids in a few weeks!!
  10. @Mike_Brindisi LIVE on #Periscope: Live at #Bills Camp!! https://www.periscope.tv/w/aKo9cDIzMTIxMjZ8Njg0MjI2Njecv0ULydpBbi78IvYyBXYS0cVyhChMSoasO95v5B7Uog== NSFW (or kids, or anyone that doesn't like swearing) Definitely not endorsing this guy, but interesting be there live...
  11. Did we get this deal done yet!? Buddy asleep at the wheel!
  12. "Colin Kaepernick as Robert De Niro from Scent of a Woman" Who-a!
  13. Really sounds like a guy that doesn't want to be here Loved the part "I feel like I should be paid what I'm due." "And what is that?" "We're negotiating it!!"
  14. As our friend Doug would say, obviously Still funny to see - it's like the Bills didn't even play the game! Regardless, can't wait to get home to watch the tape so I can form my own polarized view of the QB race!
  15. Haven't had a chance to watch last nights game (or last weeks either, can't wait to go home and visit my DVR), but judging by ESPN we must have sucked - the only highlights I've seen on random bar and airport TVs are of Johnny Football! Thank god for that guy... O_o
  16. What are the odds that a Bills preseason game is on ESPN live at the SAME TIME I have a work event!? Duuuuude... Still, can't wait to see the boys in action - Go Bills!!
  17. I do know this, if that were any Bills player, TBD would explode. Especially when he says sometimes he has pain in his knee, sometimes not. I really think though he just was over the rehab grind....
  18. JW: "EJ sees writing, knows he may be cut" Rex: "We may keep 3 QBs" TBD: "EJ can't read either!?!"
  19. Me too - especially after he led the Colts to their Super Bowl victory!
  20. Saw this possibility a couple times on Twitter yesterday and it was also mentioned on Sirius. The kid has a little talent and it sounds like Geno refused to pay him and got in his face, so dude broke Geno's jaw (and yeah, I know there's already a million pages on this elsewhere). Guess we'll see, but I'm sure Rex knows the kid and what to expect!
  21. First episode of the season is on - LOVE this show. Even if it is the Texans. They showed a Real Sports preview of the Rex skydive day and a pretty intense interview. Can't wait. Imagine the real insight we'd get on the QB race if the Bills were on this year!!
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