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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Well done. Wasn't it his dad that kept encouraging him to go into FA? First off, thanks to him for that. Second, wonder if he's now saying "Don't rush it back, in my day you had to be right back on the field." Total speculation. Of course maybe he just knows he's made a ton of dough the next injury might really put him out. Go on, take the money and run...
  2. On Sirius Sullivan called Shady "a slightly better CJ Spiller.", so there's that opinion
  3. This is obviously true and the Bills obviously cut Freddie to make room to sign Ray Rice. Obviously.
  4. Spoken like a sports marketer - and they likely did that. Clients are funny like that, they want to do what they want to do... I could tell my client to "sign athlete A" and they'd say "That's great, but what about athlete B who is in the iron lung? We LOVE that guy!"
  5. If the leak came from the marketing departmetnt I'm going to polish up my resume - I'm ready for a change after 14 years... Also, for those that think Rex was totally out of the loop on this (*cough*Negativo*cough*), not sure if you saw last night's Hard Knocks where they were looking at the depth chart deciding on roster decisions and who was getting cut, but it wasn't just the GM sitting in front of a board making decisions.
  6. Fortunately I'm that guy at my company, so no... Leo jumping in (to the original "gone rogue" post):
  7. I was rogue all day yesterday, making decisions, keeping people in the loop - it was awful... I actually have it on good accord that JJ Abrams is basing the new Star Wars on Doug Whaley!!
  8. Ha, the Bills should tell sponsors who they're going to cut before cut down day. I'm sure it would never leak out...
  9. Interesting indeed... Wonder if this had anything to do with the release? Like, we love ya, but not "3 years" love ya. ?
  10. Clearly Rex didn't get the message that Cassel played the least against the Stillers... O_o
  11. Was going to post this too - completely disagree that he's "run first". I'm watching the Steelers game right now (with a more critical eye on Tyrod) and I can't help but be impressed by his ability to stand in the pocket, calm and cool and deliver the ball. And as I type this, he runs for his 20 yard TD It's gonna be a fun season - so glad I'm going to be at the opener!!
  12. I'm watching the broadcast and they're talking about how Freddy is the current most beloved player. Still seems a little crazy he's gone, but, NFL.
  13. Too simple, the real answer is that they cut him JUST to anger fans As has been said in about a million threads - it sucks. I LOVE Freddy. I bought his jersey last year. I've been saying for (far too many) years that the guy is the heart of the team. But this is the NFL, you don't win by keep fan favorite, old players. Sucks, but hey, so does life sometimes...
  14. I'd rather go with the hip-hop look over the Washed Up Insurance Salesman look And all that said, no one is going to beat the Fitzstyle..
  15. Buddy, per usual, asleep at the wheel! At least no one has blamed Russ Brandon for this...YET...
  16. Nope sorry dude, we need to talk about how our GM cut everyone's favorite player just to prove he's right about that ONE guy he traded for...
  17. And if that's what he wanted them to say, didn't their actions say this. It's a bummer, but football is a tough business (especially once you're 30+). Freddy is one of the few guys to get cut / "leave the team" who's jersey I'm proud to own!! Sad day, but time marches on...
  18. I did, my take was in the "EJ sees the writing thread" (just happened to be in that thread when the interview came on): Sully is on Sirius, he said that Rex hasn't wanted EJ since "he saw him play in NY a couple years ago when he was throwing balls into the cheerleader". He also laughed at Rex wanting be "ground and pound", that Shady is "a slightly better version of CJ Spiller" and that the Bills don't have the backs they need for Rex's system... Said the Bills won't be able to throw downfield, so teams will stack the box and the Bills won't be able to run. Added that the Offense idea seems confused - is that any surprise to anyone in NY that followed Rex? Rex is a captive of his own myth - Harvin, Incognito, drafting guys from FL State that were part of a rape case, getting IK just to stick it to the Jets (mumbled something about IK sleeping with a girl, who's actually a guy)
  19. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't sound like he believes much in the Bills chances...
  20. Sully is on Sirius, he said that Rex hasn't wanted EJ since "he saw him play in NY a couple years ago when he was throwing balls into the cheerleader". He also laughed at Rex wanting be "ground and pound", that Shady is "a slightly better version of CJ Spiller" and that the Bills don't have the backs they need for Rex's system... Said the Bills won't be able to throw downfield, so teams will stack the box and the Bills won't be able to run. Added that the Offense idea seems confused - is that any surprise to anyone in NY that followed Rex? Rex is a captive of his own myth - Harvin, Incognito, drafting guys from FL State that were part of a rape case, getting IK just to stick it to the Jets (mumbled something about IK sleeping with a girl, who's actually a guy)
  21. The Bills with their genius plan - we got Johnny White AND Tyrod Taylor! It's a little painful to be here today hoping that he wins the job when we could (should) have had him for 4 years... Really though, that was a great story - I would be happy if he (or EJ) was named starter. He would give the Bills a threat that they haven't had with his legs and with his rollout ability you would have to think he would fit well into a Roman Offense. It's gonna be a fun season!
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