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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Germans? Pearl Harbor? Nice to see TBD stays in it's crazy pills even when I'm away on vacation
  2. Thanks for the advice (trimmed to not overly hijack this thread ). Stopped by Red Garter and another bar that had games, but no Buffalo. Missed this one (first in a loooong time) for some amazing vino and food, but semi-followed when I could find WiFi. Always fun to follow a game though the GD threads - you get such a skewed version of reality. Sounds like I missed a stinker, but wow, you would have thought the Bills were the worst team in the league! Regardless onward and upward, I'm gonna continue to be a Buffalo fan until at least the end of the season. Likely even longer, I'm guessing
  3. All so true! Just woke up to a full marching band singing some sort of foght song outside our window - I'll take that as a good sign...
  4. Will do - grazie! Bigger question, as a Bills fan am I allowed to drink red wine all game? I mean, we ain't San Francisco...
  5. I've got a fun one - will be "stuck" in Florence Italy for the game. 7pm start and I'm already looking for a bar with football (as opposed to football). Have fun in NO, if there's one thing that town knows, it's how to have a good time!!
  6. So much easier to just give up now - if we don't play any more games, no one else will get hurt, including everyone's feelings
  7. I was going to praise A7's post as the winner of this thread, this this gem. Stupid freaking squirrels...
  8. Best post Giants game post! Love when people say "Every team had to deal with injuries!", yup and every team doesn't win every week... Picked a good week to be going out of the country on vacation
  9. This a million times - it's been posted, it's been written, its even been talked about by the Bills brass in interviews. Seems Rex is quite a Boobie guy...
  10. Was listening to Sirius earlier - Bob Papa picked the Giants (part of his job? and Shannon Sharpe picked the Bills! For the record, I too pick the Bills
  11. Not what I thought this thread would be about
  12. That's my plan too! I'm going to be on vacation in Italy for the Titans game and have fears that ticket won't work in other countries (plus, Florence HAS to have a bar where I can watch the game), so I might end up trying to get it before the Bengals. Though at that point I might just do the bar for one game, then the Jags are on the line, so should be able to see them for free... This happened two or three years ago, the first 5 or so Bills games were on TV after I had bought the ticket!
  13. Stoooooked - 4th game in a row on TV in Vermont!
  14. If only I had a helicopter, I'd be there - that drive from VT is killer. Have fun crew!
  15. Bruce Murray just gave his AFC top teams and the Bills were #4. Pats Cinci Denver Buffalo Pitts Oakland FWIW...
  16. Someone call the LAMP WAAAAAA-MBULANCE for the OP... Also missed on the protest sign analogy - it's like the the OP is holding up a protest sign, but the rest of us are saying "what the hell are you protesting"?
  17. Miami's To-Do List before Facing the Bills (from the Palm Beach Post): http://dailydolphin.blog.palmbeachpost.com/2015/09/23/miami-dolphins-have-long-to-do-list-before-buffalo-bills-visit/
  18. They should have thrown in Mario and snagged Weeden! Dealer Doug, doing his thing...
  19. NFL personnel men are idiots - it's so simple, just sign a QB that can outduel Tom Brady. Duh. :facepalm:
  20. I like this gem from Finhaven: "Poll: How many yards will the Bills have rushing against us?" http://www.finheaven.com/showthread.php?369008-How-many-yards-rushing-will-the-Bills-have-against-us Most think 150 - 200, but answers include "A million", "1,000" and "roughly 7,000...no that's not a typo". Any of those would be great, really...
  21. Rex is such an idiot - this is probably the only game the Pats wIN this year!
  22. Clearly the author does not read TBD. And well put Alpha, well put!
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