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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Well, THAT I can't help Let's just hope that Yahoo! didn't drop that $17 Million only to F up the stream. I'd bet they'll go all out to make it as smooth as can be. I hope.
  2. The real answer is - if they can't figure out how to get it on their TV one of about 57 ways, they'll have to watch on their laptops or desktop. If they don't have one of those, they can watch on their smart phone or tablet. If they don't have one of those, they're SOL and will miss the game. Seriously though, it's not *that* hard to get the game on a TV. An inconvenience? Sure. Impossible for most? Not really.
  3. I'm going to guess the general response to this thread is something like "Right back at ya.".
  4. In other good news WE'RE IN THE SUPER BOWL! Yahoo's Super Bowl... http://www.adweek.com/news/television/why-yahoo-treating-its-nfl-livestream-it-s-super-bowl-167725
  5. This all makes me think of the great SNL line from last week: "What's the deal with emails anyway? I forgot my password the other day, so they say 'We'll email you a new one.' But I can't get into my email to get the password. I mean, talk about a ball-buster."
  6. And with a QB Bills fans have been calling garbage for years (the fans and Sully would have tarred and feathered Dalton long ago)
  7. Whatever dude - as long as we have Tyrod to Sammy and Percy this week and good 'ol Kyle plugging up the middle on D, I think we'll be good! I'm pretty sure the game is on channel 4 in Vermont...
  8. I for one welcome our corporate overlords - as long as I can get my Bills game fix...
  9. The tailgate spread might be my favorite part, I'm definitely going heavy breakfast scene - eggs, toast, bacon (or I might do a corned beef tomorrow and make homemade hash for Sunday), probably even a pancake or three with some fine Vermont Maple Syrup . Let's do this! Go Bills / Go Breakfast! Or, hold up, Breakfast Burger: http://www.foodrepublic.com/recipes/breakfast-burger-recipe/
  10. FWIW, I looked last night and have a Yahoo! app on my Apple TV (V1), so hoping that works. In fact I watched this little clip - an inside look at the Bills Offense with Greg Roman: http://sports.yahoo.com/video/inside-look-bills-offense-002017850.html If not, my work Macbook has an HDMI out port, so I'll just run right from there... The BIG question is - Breakfast Beers, or Bloody Marys?
  11. I'm fully backing this thread - our A-Turf has been slippery ever since it was installed. I'd even be in favor of Field Turf if we can't have natural grass (though I don't see why not, as been pointed out, several cold weather stadiums have 'em). No more rando slipping - unless it's the other team's players!
  12. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/13935471/fred-jackson-seattle-seahawks-running-back-car-accident-practice-facility Yes, his true colors: "As of this time, there is no indication that Jackson was racing another vehicle," Renton police said in a statement. "He remained on scene until officers could speak to him. He was polite and cooperative." What a jerk!!! Doesn't he know he's an NFL player? I'd say continue on with your crusade, but it would probably just confuse you since you have so many going on...
  13. Yeaaah, sorry. It *would* be awesome if you could purchase just one team (at a lower rate), instead of the entire package with EVERY game. Gotta feel for Bar owners - the prices are outrageous, think of a big place like McFaddens, who really just want the Bills game - must cost a ton...
  14. Nice - I actually had it the past few years (in fact, it was the reason I bought a PS3 a few years back , I've just been lucky and haven't had to nut up and pay. Yet. Wish they would do the Madden deal again, now THAT was fully worth it! $99 for Madden and free Sunday Ticket Online, couldn't be beat... The Slingbox is an interesting call - guess I could just put one at my Mom's house and stream from there!
  15. A-freaking-men. Do people on TBD even have ankles and understand how easy they are to injure? Also, can we please replace the damn turf at the Ralph? Guys seem to slip all. the. time., seriously, it's crazy. I know you have the dough Pegs, plus you can donate the old turf to someone else - maybe they can Field Turf , the Hammer's Lot (double TM)!?
  16. Looks like bars suing, rather than general consumers. Did anyone end up getting ST Online this year? How's the service been? I have yet to buy - somehow every Bills game has been on TV in Vermont, but I would bet that might end after the bye (though Jets might be on, Pats for sure, then it's almost holiday time and I'll be back in the Buffalo area where is on the regular TV). Price is down to $150 from $200 at beginning of the season...
  17. Toast to this man! Was going to say the same thing - like the poster you were responding to even knows what grade of a sprain Sammy has. "All laboring on crutches", oy vey, he's in an immobilizing boot, anyone want to guess the purpose of that device?
  18. Because the Internet and instant gratification. Also, because there are 5 teams with better records than us in the AFC. I never give up, not even when we're mathematically eliminated!
  19. While I find this frustrating too, it's just too easy to say without seeing the A22. Maybe EVERYONE else was covered on those plays, so he hit what he could hoping that a playmaker could make a play. Had he forced things long into double coverage and got picked everyone would REALLY be up-in-arms. I get the sentiment, but, and this is just me, I don't know all the facts so I'm not going to make that argument...
  20. I broke my ankle once planting it wrong, guess I'm "injury prone". As was mentioned earlier, most overused phrase in the NFL. Sammy is not "soft" because he planted wrong (or foot got stuck in the turf, or he slipped weird), it's just a thing that happened. Are the only non-injury prone players the ones that play their entire career without injury? Cause they're few and far between...
  21. I couldn't even listen today - I'll just wait until 1:00 to see what happens. One this is for sure, EJ starting makes this a hugely intriguing game for the Bills! Hopefully the D has a monster day and EJ, Sammy and Shady make some plays... I definitely can't WAIT for 1:00 to get here!!
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