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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Get er done, sounds like just the guy we need! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000568039/article/report-mallett-was-late-twice-on-day-of-missed-flight?campaign=Twitter_atn Yolo called it on page 2
  2. And seriously, the range of interpretations are EXACTLY the reason he shouldn't be saying peep on the Interweb!
  3. Sure I work with globally known athletes, and I'm even on TV every now and then (in the background, as a spectator), but, sad to say, I'm not as high profile as Sammy. Just using Instagram followers as a metric - where I have 450 Instagram followers, Sammy has 319,000. Maybe I think my job is more fun than an NFL player, maybe I think it's better for society, but one thing it is not, is higher profile. Doesn't necessarily make it "little" either (and again, my whole argument here is pure speculation on what he might have possible meant). I just don't think he meant "being an NFL player is the BEST JOB THERE IS" and all other jobs are for losers, just that expectations are different.
  4. Well, unless your job requires you to be on TV and makes you a global star, your job is lower profile than that of an NFL player. I mean, I love my job, but it's NOT higher profile than an NFL player. When I broke my ankle last year (or ribs the year before - yes, I know, I'm injury prone) no one on my social media channels was giving me crap for being on crutches and limping to meetings. Again, who knows what he meant, I just don't think he was purposefully trying to insult all the workers of Buffalo... And regardless, fun little debate today - helped keep me distracted from this job I just said I love so much :D
  5. Would also throw out he never said "You people that work blue collar jobs are losers", or anything about blue collar workers at all. ... Stop worrying about my job, because I'm on this end and forever will be Losers, most of you just wish to be in this position So continue working y'all little jobs for the rest of y'all lives Since everyone wants a response, here go one Have a blessed day ... And, with the term "little jobs" he could have even meant "lower profile than an NFL player", but just worded it VERY poorly. Not excusing what he said, but not everything is an attack on Buffalo's Blue Collar pride...
  6. If he comes back more Buddha like next year, to we let Glen go and plug him in at LT?
  7. And as we all know, no 22 year old in America has every said something ill advised
  8. We need a day called "Internet Tough Guy Day" - it works like the movie The Purge, there's one day where everyone that takes all this garbage on the web gets to meet, and take on as they see fit, their Internet Tough Guy.
  9. Just awful - the Internet really has brought out the !@#$ in people (guess it's that ability to comment anonymously, with no repercussions). Not that Sammy should have said peep in the first place, but the hate spewed at guys like him, or EJ (and others too) is inexcusable. I'm really kinda glad none of it existed when I was a kid...
  10. Interesting - the author says they chatted for hours and there's what, 3 Marrone quotes (and only one starts with "Obviously", so I'm not even sure I believe the other two ) and not really a ton of new info. He didn't know how to use all the forks at his first big dinner. Other people in the NFL don't think he's a bad guy. Guess we'll find out in 15 years why he left Buffalo...
  11. I was yelling at the TV about this one as it happened, was easy to see on TV. In the replay though, you can't help but feel that Hughes is playing it up a bit - would rather than lean back to make it look worse that he just tried to keep going to take the QBs head off...
  12. Jeeze, he's only brining up the switch because you did - no need to be snarky to the guy because he's offering solutions. And yeah, we get it, the streaming was a hard screwing for everyone - except for those of us it wasn't... Obviously some people had a better experience than others, just because yours was bad doesn't mean the entire thing was a failure, just like because mine was fine doesn't mean it was a success.
  13. Did someone say shot? AND Kyle Orton? Make mine a double...
  14. Seems strange that the NFL would pack, bring and set-up the communications systems, but the teams were responsible for the batteries. Not letting anyone off the hook, just seems odd to me. Also strange that the head-sets did seem to be working, except for in certain dead spots. Maybe those spots were far away from the transponder and were affected by weak battery levels? All-in-all, strange...
  15. Would be interesting to see everyone's Speedtest numbers - I'm guessing those that had no problem, have really fast Interweb. I'll run mine when I'm home, but it usually cranks (definitely kills the speeds at work)...
  16. I watched on my TV through my Apple TV (1) and had HD quality nearly the entire game. There were a few small hiccups and digital blurring (even a couple stops for a second or two), but overall I have no complaints. Except for the final score...
  17. Did you figure this out? My friend is having the same Xbox Flash issue...
  18. It's a little zoomed in on my TV, but thinking I can fix from Apple TV. Also, my house is like a sport bar with the TV, iMac and laptop all with the stream...
  19. Got it on my Apple TV (V1), stream is fine with no stutters. But I do have a great high-speed connect... Yahoo pre-game - just annoying. Bloody or Beer? Bloody or Beer?
  20. What? WHERE!? I'm staring into my toaster oven and don't see the game - epic fail by Yahoo!
  21. Was going to post this - AMAZING. The AM sports bar rant and "every other rotavirus in coach form that Buffalo has hired over the years." line kill it!
  22. Best prediction I've seen: http://teamstre.am/1S2g7Xz
  23. To NUMEROUS TVs!? Unpossible! That's rad that they're opening - seems like that'll be a fun party! Have a Blue for me
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