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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. But we can still overreact on TBD, right? Because I'm FREAKING OUT MAN...
  2. Bradford also with a separated (non-throwing) shoulder: http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/14162444/philadelphia-eagles-quarterback-sam-bradford-separated-shoulder Now THIS guy is injury prone
  3. Here you go, just about ready to send out first thing Tuesday morning! Dear NFL, I was watching the Bills at Pats game and couldn't believe that __________ call on ________ down! Obviously the refs completely blew the call, giving (or taking away) ________ a first down on that play. It's clearly obvious that _____________ had (or did not have) his hands all over ____________ long before the ball was there. In addition the Personal Foul call on _(likely Jerry Hughes)_ was completely off base! I saw __________ do the exact same thing in the __________ game and no flag was thrown. It's my belief that the Bills and specifically _(likely Jerry Hughes)_ are being targeted by NFL officials. If these calls are not made consistently (I / my family and I / my family, friends and I) are going to stop watching football all together! I look forward to your explanation. Love, BillsMafia
  4. Crazy turn of events - ya GOTTA love football...
  5. Winston walks in to take the lead over Dallas...
  6. Nah, the Browns comeback starts now ( they miss the EP kick). And if the Phins win, at least it pushes their draft pick down a bit
  7. Even on RedZone this Sunday is kind of a snoozer...
  8. Man, I forgot what its like being "in the hunt", there IS a reason to watch football this weekend even with no Bills game - need to root for other teams to lose!!
  9. "The NFL never should have allowed this to happen. Roger Goodell should have forced Ryan to stand down on this or face a heavy fine and/or suspension." Why stop there? No act of Congress? No Executive Action!?!
  10. In the rain and wind to boot! People on this board are crazy - a QB has to be perfect to get accolades on TBD. Give me a guy that wins and shows heart like Tyrod did and I'll take my changes...
  11. Can't discount the Thursday night effect either. On a short week to go to a division rival's house and walk away with the win is huuuge...
  12. Not a fan of their hologram helmet logo and stripes either...
  13. The red is ok, but again, why? Couldn't they just have stuck to the all-blues thought? Or put us in "ultra blue" all-blues? I don't know just don't like the the third color thing... And again, Dallas' "Color Splash" unis are ALL WHITE. Huh??
  14. Bust! Always nice to hear about the behind-the-scenes work that, we might not see on the field, but that makes a big difference ON the field!
  15. Good listen. Pennington's plan for the Jets on D is to stop Shady, stop Tyrod from running and make him throw from the pocket (please, do and see what happens) and on O is to try for "explosive plays" in the passing game (again, please let Fitz throw downfield all day). Still, good to hear the other side's take. Also, is he trolling us with that pic? Donte Whitner!?! Childish...
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