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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I only read page 1, but was going to say the same thing - maybe Mopey Mario leaked this? Loved the guy when he came here, but not a big fan of his attitude this year...
  2. I keep reading this on TBD - is there actually a quote of Russ saying this?
  3. Wait, Rex and Whaley caused Williams' and Gillmore's injuries o_O
  4. Paint Goldblum's hair gray in this and he and I would have the same look. That said, I'd rather have the same bank account...
  5. Nope, don't think you should - but I also don't think you know what's going to happen next year, but you continually act like you do. All good my friend, you're just always so agitated And I'll NEVER say "I'm done with this team", if you knew me, you'd know that. I sat in the rain at Hammer's, then in The Ralph last Sunday and had a great time - I aways do at Bills games and that's why I love the team. Wins / Losses they happen, but what the Bills mean to me, the area and the fans is greater than their record year after year, IMO.
  6. Just because one changes their opinion doesn't make them stupid, perhaps it makes them better informed. And no one said you have to love him. But hey, you're the Oracle that can "see the future" so enjoy the misery until you can see if your vision comes true.
  7. Let me be the fist to say "yawn" At least you can keep your pitchfork lit now...
  8. Can someone please send this to Bucky? Great post! And though I'm typically loathe to agree with them, as Schopp and the Bulldog keep out - the Bills are in their 16 year of missing the playoffs, the Pegula owned Bills are in their first year of missing the playoffs. I know it's tough, but we're all going to have to give it a little time. Also not a big fan of the whole "McCoy is going to ruin our Cap space" narrative (to be fair, Bucky uses the phrase "unnecessary pressure", but we know what he's saying). With the cap expected to rise, the ease of cutting players to make cap room, etc., I just don't think it's a big deal. And they're in a tough spot because they have to make a decision on Mario, Tyrod, Glen, Incognito and others? The most veteran owner in the business would be faced with he same decisions - big decisions sure. Tough spot? Not sure about that... Bucky then seemed surprised that Twitter went after him, saying "You know I'm paid for my opinion, right?". Sure you are, but you throw out a opinion that includes lines like "The cold truth: as it stands now the Pegulas are in over their heads". IN YOUR OPINION Bucky, that doesn't make it the "TRUTH". Guess we're posting about it, so the article did it's job...
  9. I can also blame myself, 'cause I didn't buy any either Maybe a quick Target stop before Hammer's...
  10. If that contract is a career killer, I'm ready for my career to be killed!
  11. But the intrigue, mead - THE INTRIGUE! I'm only making it happen because I'm home for the holidays, gotta get my Bills game fix when I can...
  12. I'd better start making a list I'll be in charge of nametags, if you're in charge of stromboli!
  13. Creepy? Huge overreach in my opinion... Have you ever been around a TV style camera? One tends to notice something like that. Rex caught it out of the corner of his eye and turned his tract, then stopped to look at Mario (who looks like a freaking giant compared to Mario). And?
  14. Just my personal belief, but *all* TBD threads should eventually devolve to a Bill Brasky-like cheers for whatever player, coach, GM or guru that is our next savior, according to us...
  15. Can we also right the wrongs of the opener - we need name tags!
  16. Jim Schwartz once made love to my wife and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! TO JIM SCHWARTZ!
  17. Question - will any of the TBD crew have 10x10 tents? I'm back in PA and mines in in VT, so I won't have mines, but I *will* have my girlfriend who might not mind a little time under a tent before a nice 3 hour soaking... At least it'll be close to 50.
  18. I remember reading that article when we hired Schwartz and everyone thought that his Wide 9 system would ruin the Bills and he would be Wanny 2.0. Funny the difference a couple years make... IMO, he's not coming back in any capacity, though I would welcome him as DC - maybe Pegs has the $$ to make it happen. That said, he was not impressive as a HC, I'm surprised so many would want to see him in that role.
  19. Merry Christmas crew - see some of you on Sunday!
  20. Can the flex the game to some other 60 degree, non rainy day? Thanks Uncle Pegs!
  21. Exactly - the last thing we need is another level of management that may spin us into some other direction that NO ONE agrees with (even if the current direction doesn't appear to be working at the moment). Loved the quote: “You can win with Tyrod if the other pieces are good,” Polian said. “If there are six or seven Pro Bowlers at other positions, you can win with Tyrod. But he’s not the quarterback of the future. He’s not Jim Kelly, and, although he doesn’t have the same track record, he’s probably comparable to Frank Reich. But he’s not 6-feet-4 like Frank Reich. He’s small and he’s going to get hurt, and he did." Tyrod isn't Jim Kelly!? Nooooo. And please, who in the league current IS comparable to Jimbo? That's what I thought...
  22. My thoughts too. Seriously though, while I think his input could be helpful, I wonder about his age and really just generally if his advice will help in today's NFL. Bottom line is that he's giving his opinion, and while the NFL has been his business for years and years and he's had success, it doesn't mean that everything he says is right. It's still just his opinion in the end... Sounds like Pegs has been talking to him regardless and we still are where we are. Last point, can I go back and laugh at the 160 hours at $500 per hour post? You couldn't hire ME for that price and I'm only going to consult on your marketing! Per usual though, it's going to be a heck of an interesting offseason
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