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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. But, but, but... Thank god someone made the right call on the QB this season (and hopefully going forward).
  2. As I've said a million times, I would LOVE this - such a good show. And if anyone wants to really see if Rex and Whaley are dysfunctional, this would give us the look behind the curtain...
  3. So you're DEFINITELY saying that he's actively trying to tunnel his way out of Buffalo!? Doooooomed...
  4. Sirius also said that Leslie Frazier is out as well...
  5. But, but, on Instagram two days ago he said "karlos_29_srNext year it's tunnel vision and eyes on the prize." (with a pic of him, in a Bills uni, in a game). WHAT DO WE DO!? WHAT TO BELIEVE!? Too bad the Twitter post isn't geo-tagged, could at least end (or fuel) the speculation...
  6. Not to mention with all of the hand-wringing over Rex, it's interesting to see who other teams target, hire and how they do. The grass is always greener...
  7. I love this thread - always good entertainment! Should I be scared that Google Earth has better views of Mars than Bradford, PA? Also, can any of these aliens play on the right side of the line?
  8. Like everyone, I can't say for sure what the truth is, but damn, it makes one wonder what length the police will go to just to get Avery. I'm amazed that the TBD thread is this balanced! I'm on episode 5, so a few more to go for me...
  9. If they build a domed stadium, can they build a domed Hammer's Lot next door?
  10. Poor EJ can't get a break, even in an off-season article: "Welcome to the offseason, where rumors fly more haphazardly than an EJ Manuel pass."
  11. lol - so true, baseball is so...zzzzzzzzz...zzzzzzzzz...zzzzzzzz Soooo, the Browns will have the best Bullpen in the NFL?
  12. Good thing or we would have like 3 starters still playing by the last game of the season this year!
  13. Rex is live on GR55 at the moment as a follow-up to the presser...
  14. As part of the great day let's not forget the Fish won giving them a slightly lower draft pick
  15. Definitely feels like a Marrone fit A little more on Grier: http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/armando-salguero/article52865630.html
  16. Clearly that's that he's taking about, but still you HAVE to be a little smarter than to throw out quotes like that. Whether or not he actually reads the media, he needs to have some awareness about what's being said about the Bills D. If he doesn't get that the D is the big, underperforming part of the team, guy has to go...
  17. Love the blue on blue too - not as big a fan of red on red, but that's just the curmudgeon in me talking
  18. Reflecting the mood of most fans
  19. This quote, IMO, is why he has to go: "There is no consensus on the subject. The locker room is divided on anything Mario Williams."
  20. That's like, 50% of the time! Though, to be fair, math is not my strong suit...
  21. And others would have us believe that Rex's D is so complicated that NO NFL player ever could understand it, but he's had success before, soooo... To hasten his release? Not saying that's absolutely the case, but it isn't 100% out of the question, IMO. Really? Rex "wasted energy" by naming IK a captain? Heck we even won the game...
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