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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Amen to all that, especially the bolded part! The offseason is always waaaaaay to long
  2. it's like when I'm having a conversation with my girlfriend and we disagree on something, she'll say "Don't yell at me" despite the fact that I haven't raised my voice and am still speaking the exact same manner. Bills fans can't help but see clown shows and hear bluster when they see Rex. The coach is always damned if he talks, damned if he doesn't. I'm with you, I don't get it either... By all means, let's bring back the Yale educated Dick Jauron, he'll outsmart EVERYONE!
  3. What pray tell does he think is going on? The DA is for some reason protecting Shady McCoy over some Philly cops? But, WHY!? Also, there's this quote from McNesby: They're overthinking it! They're overlooking it! (So, are they overthinking, or overlooking? Maybe he just meant "over it") They're investigating too much! (WTF does that even mean? Anytime I'm charged with a crime I sure hope they investigate "too much" as opposed to "too little!") And then the capper - "...if he does not charge the group that was there that night..." I assume he's also talking about the cops involved? Or were they "not a group that was there"?
  4. Can't help but agree here - if this was just regular dudes, do you really think Philly police would spend three weeks investigating, gathering "rooms of evidence", etc.? Like I said earlier in the thread, I'm sure this case is just what all Philadephians want their government spending money on, this is the HEIGHT of criminality in Philadephia in 2016!!
  5. I love when actual news quotes come out that directly contradict beliefs that some TBD members hold as gospel. Note to self, don't let TBD represent me in any legal matters... Also, would think people in Philly would be over this endless investigation - like the Philly PD doesn't h ave anything better to spend it's time and money on!
  6. We hate our QBs. We hate our coaches. And we DEFINITELY investigate crimes better than any other NFL messageboard out there!
  7. Haven't you read all 84 pages - clearly several members of SUV TBD have already determined Shady's guilt / innocence! That's not Internet messageboard rumor type stuff, that's just good solid police speculation work! O_O
  8. Can someone get my Shady's whereabouts the night Scalia died? I'm pretty sure I have a theory...
  9. It's not about being "PC" it's abut presumed innocence, which is just, you know, the basis of our Justice system...
  10. Maybe the NDA was for the cocaine, not the orgy! O_O Sorry, sorry, just tying to keep the thread lively while the scales of justice work...
  11. I like that Shady was having a party and inviting "only females" and suddenly it's an "orgy party". Isn't there something between and Orgy Party and a Sausage Party?
  12. If it's at home: Drink beers in Hammer's Lot with the TBD crew (as we argue over why our QB sucks, despite leading us to the playoffs) If away: Drink beers in my condo with the TBD crew online (as we argue over why our QB sucks, despite leading us to the playoffs)
  13. Except for the melee happening all around him? Looking at the video, if someone was inside that club I'm pretty sure they were aware what was happening. Still not smoking trident though...
  14. We need Jack Black in Enemy of the State (of PA): "Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's everything."
  15. $200? More like $2k. Bottles in Vegas ultra lounges start at like a grand. Was scared to get off my flight, thought they would have found the bloody trident by now...
  16. But he WAS named in the SVU: TBD report, and they're our official investigation unit...
  17. Love those conversations! Sometimes I buzz people at work just to say "Yeah?"
  18. Brought in his own booze, I think... I hear you on the "sense of entitlement", but that doesn't necessarily mean that's what happened in this case. Or maybe it was. We'll find out...
  19. I would think that the guys with millions would care less about someone else's champagne and likely wouldn't be the one starting a brawl over it. Again, just my opinion...
  20. What signs are there? Or are you reading tea leaves or something?
  21. Why would we do that? McCoy has now already cost us the season, become our least likable player and is a jerk for not walking away. Despite the fact we have NO IDEA what happened - better blame Shady though, the other two guys were *cops*! Disappointed by the Jump to Conclusions by some fans on TBD...
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