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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Bills controlling the story! http://pic.twitter.com/Nt2F3bJGvb
  2. The media must be STOKED on this policy - they're tweeting more than ever, from what I'm seeing! Of course, the only way it's "football related" is to B word about the policy, but hey they're having fun! Also, while the Bills policy does feel a little overreaching (paranoid, much?), I wouldn't be surprised to see more teams trying to control the social story / images / videos coming from journalists at camp.
  3. I'll need two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers...also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls. Not that I'll need all of that for the reporting trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection (while doing serious reporting), the tendency is to push it as far as you can...
  4. I'm fine with a robot taking my job, as long as it sends the paychecks to me. In fact, that would preferred...
  5. Since this was linked from Fox, I fully expected this robot: (Which, because of the number, I'm assuming is ThurmBot?)
  6. From the good folks at PornHub: And yes, this is SFW, unless you work somewhere super stodgy...
  7. High level of corruption and deceit? Clearly most NFL GM's only, always tell the truth. o_O
  8. John, you're just reading though the wrong eyeballs - clearly yours are not lazy enough to catch the subtext that we're all happy Shaq is injured
  9. My grandfather had the same surgery as a 25 year old and, like, he DIED at age 92. The doctor claimed it was old age, but we all knew it was the knee surgery... Hello Vargas! A joke I often spout, that I'm not sure anyone gets...
  10. If you don't like the first doc's opinion, there are always others out there!
  11. I'm working on this one - I spend a quarter of my year in CA regardless (and my girl lives out there), so this is very on the radar! And I'm going to Third or Fourth that LA is a great city - lots of traffic, but so, so much to see and do and eat...
  12. Not bad - $11MM per pass defended! O_O Gill was smart when he told his son to go get a big money deal in FA because you just don't know what's going to happen. Like, you might not be that good...
  13. Figured I should start this since every time I mention Vermont beers on the wall, the thread gets derailed! So here you go, you drunks, The Official TBD Beer Thread. What's the brewery scene in Buffalo? Things are like Starbucks up here, new one on every corner opens every day... A few goodies: http://alchemistbeer.com/blog/- the Heady Topper people http://www.foambrewers.com/- brand new, love the Built to Spill DIPA (and the band) http://www.fourquartersbrewing.com/- very micro brewery, fortunately located about a 2 minute walk out of the office door And on and on... If anyone is going to visit VT for beer, hit me up I can give you the full BTV must drink list! And only seems appropriate to end this one with a
  14. heh heh - not to FURTHER hijack the thread, but Heady is only available in VT (and even then people drive here to wait in line - there will be one at the beer store on my way to work tomorrow, so weird) but their new brewery opens in Stowe this summer http://alchemistbeer.com/blog/ This place just opened last week and their DIPA "Built to Spill" is damn tasty as well http://www.foambrewers.com/ I'll start a Beer Thread in Off The Wall. EDIT: We live: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/186576-the-official-tbd-beer-thread/ Also, just to stay on topic, when do I start my new job at The Ralph??
  15. I feel like those pictures don't accurately show the "fight break-up guy" or the "talking to babbling drunks" guy. You know this, their new Focal Banger is good stuff too. I've become a big fan of Lawson's Finest Liquid's Super Session #2 (and their Sip of Sunshine DIPA is killer too). I'm soaking in it right now!
  16. Was hoping for CMO, or at least Director of Marketing. Alas, I'll just be in charge of Vermont Beer, like every other year...
  17. Something has to keep me amused at work! The office before the Internet must have really sucked - it was bad enough when the web was slow and sucky, must have been unbearable with NO Interwebs!
  18. Also thought this was relevant from the locked thread, a caller on GR55 talking about this type of injury (but we don't know if it's EXACTLY the same) posed by Fadingpain: Also some good banter in that thread about how long recovery from a SLAP tear takes. Just wanted to continue to stir the pot
  19. Or maybe they thought he was going to be able to play, but he got re-injured and now needs (well, had) surgery. Not sure that's the case, but it's as plausible as any other theory...
  20. Judging by the quote below I'm pretty sure it was a complete decapitation. RIP Shaq.
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