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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. 1 x Super Tecmo Bowl Champion, thank you. 🤷‍♂️ I Dominated our league one year in the early 90's thanks to the play "Throw to Jerry on the bottom!". I will forever feel fortunate that I got to work with such talented athletes back then and that I was able to out think, out coach and out handshake every other exec in our league.
  2. Which, to be fair, is true for EVERY team (and most cars).
  3. Real talk though, if Josh tried to leave he literally would have to force his way out - there would be a human / snowplow ring made around the entirety of the City of Buffalo and NO Allen's would be allowed to leave, especially Josh... Also, +1 to everyone for the memes / gifs 🤣
  4. I'm going to go back to the more sensible conversation I'm having on Reddit in the thread "Unpopular Opinion - traveling to Italy is overrated". 🙃
  5. Holy sh*t, talk about a Jump to Conclusions mat... 🤔
  6. Which is how all things are judged in today's society - the three second eye test. 🤣 🤷‍♂️
  7. Go with the chowder trifecta - Manhattan, New England and Rhode Island. Annnnnnd, I'm ready for lunch now...
  8. For the record it was a win, not a "win" - check the score this morning.
  9. I hadn't seen Josh's comments, but good on him! Hell, I saw an article on Apple News titled "5 teams that should trade for Diggs" The #1 team was Kansas City, which dear author, if you're going to troll us, don't make it so obvi... Link: https://fansided.com/posts/5-teams-that-should-call-bills-about-stefon-diggs-after-sideline-outburst-01hc8159qgbq/5
  10. “Excuses” or factors in the equation that led to a loss? 🤔 I mean, the Bills were not good, but play this game in OP and I’m guessing it’s a lil different. IMO.
  11. Wait, the owners who have billions invested, don’t care about the future, but the fans (who can walk away at any point and have invested far less actual capital) do? 🤔 I mean, I dislike the Euro games, but pretty sure the owners want long term success more than fans do. For like a trillion reasons…
  12. I watch most games on grass, def seems sus the players can’t play on grass… 🤔🤔🤔
  13. Guess I don’t buy that young professional athletes don’t suffer the same ailments - particularly having been to Europe w several young athletes, who were all off kilter by the change (prob not enough booze as us non-professional athletes). 🙃 Obvi the “lack of execution” cost us (See: NFL Football), but Josh and crew haven’t been doing the thing for 2 years, so who knows the travel effect on them. 🤔 Last week they beat the highest scoring, “impossible to stop” team, this week they flew to a crazy different time zone, had a ton of injuries and looked a step slow. You tell me… 🤷‍♂️ Good news, we’ll learn more next week… 🔥
  14. Having currently spent the past week+ in Europe (and several times before this), I assure you the first few days are rough. And I’m an East Coast kid that can go West without much trouble. 🤷‍♂️👽 Of course, also guessing Josh and Co didn’t drink 5,000 drinks on the way over, so maybe it’s just me… 🤔🙃✊
  15. Ok, my full (and “dull” pre edit🤣) sentence is - if you don’t think the Bills are even a “quality team” you don’t watch other teams play football, I guess 🤷‍♂️. We had a bad game after traveling to Europe. Things happen. We shall see what’s next, but the Bills are still one of the best teams in the league. IMO.
  16. Been here since the beginning and I’ll be here till the end 🤣 - I know the rational TBD posters IRL and trust me, while today sucked, the same people that thought the season was over after the Jets game are the same that think it’s over now. 🙃 the Milano loss (?) is terrible, but this is still an elite team. Get back home, get some rest, clean it up and LFG!!!
  17. Dude, you’re literally one of the most Chicken Little posters on TBD. you thought the season was over before it started. For f’s sake the the season isn’t lost and injuries happen to every team. Let it play out without overreacting every game.
  18. Worst part of the post-game - missing the gondola ferry and having to walk though masses. Game sucked, clearly the team was off a beat or two (as one who felt off for like 5 days after traveling to Europe last week, I get it). On to the next, the season isn’t over yet and if you think the Bills stink, you should have your head examined.
  19. I see you’ve found your pocket in several threads 🤣🤣🤣
  20. To be fair, you were singing the woes long before the season started, so we’ll see how it all plays out 🤣 🙄 Not that losing Milano (and apparently Tre) were awful, but the future exists only in the future…
  21. Venice, Italy. I think I found a spot (Margaret DuChamp) and oddly enough an old friend from Salamanca just happens to be here too so we’re going to meet up! Billsmafia runs deep 🤣🙌🇮🇹
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