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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. If only there were video that clearly shows Rex joking about this in response to a question about Brown wearing a James jersey. 4mer couldn't be more of a troll if he tried. Boo this man!
  2. Buffalo logos from Aaron Draplin (with a couple surprising company logos in there)
  3. Fortune needs to hire someone to work on their infographics - that one is not useless enough. o_O At least let me zoom and click on the dots to see the company. I'm pretty sure I have an intern here that could make that happen...
  4. Two Words: Goat Island. Will be fun to watch the fans hurl themselves over the falls each time Shaq Lawson drops into coverage (those that haven't already because of his medical issues or just Rex in general).
  5. Sooooo, wait, TG doesn't like Rex or Whaley? Who knew...
  6. We'd hate it even more - if there is one thing we like less than other team's coaches, it's our OWN coaches!
  7. The nerve of him to go to a strip club! o_O I've definitely been that drunk - though fortunately I've never been shot. Now, a couple weeks ago I did wake up with a big ass bruise on my leg and my bike (which I had ridden downtown) was in the house, so I just assume that it and I had an altercation at the club - but I can't be sure...
  8. Before you listen - what is the over / under on "obviously"s? I'm going with Over 20 and I don't even know how long the video is. Obviously. Well, obviously I was wrong, but I'm also guessing that the Jags media team edited them all out. Obviously Maronne is having fun singing and talking to himself - but are the players listening? Obviously we'll see during the season...
  9. So many hot takes here! Do you write all posts with the help of a Jump to Conclusions mat?
  10. First he's TOO much of a "player's coach", now he's admonished for not doing a good job at reaching out to players. Something doesn't fully add up and I'd bet we'll never know the full story, but at least CSI TBD: Special Bills Unit is on it! I'm guessing we'll have this one solved in another 14 or 15 pages...
  11. Does he even know how many miles a ZILLION miles are!?! Good to hear Graham saying that the instillation is going smooth and the understanding is up - we can only hope it translates to the field. Still waiting for someone to chime in with the stock "Yeah, that's all talk, let's see him back it up on the field!" (despite it not being the regular season) comment
  12. You GD hippie - go tend to artisanal goat cheese factory! This is TBD, not some "open your mind and explore the possibilities" camp! (for the record, I'm with you)
  13. Soooo, if I've done the math right Dodd does not equal a Tiger Dodd does equal a Human Football is not meant for Humans Therefore football is meant for Tigers? NOW it all makes sense...
  14. Thanks John - I'm now balled up on the floor, crying, wrapped in my space blanket. Feels perfect
  15. But I need to know if we're Doomed, or Not Doomed it's all I understand!!!
  16. What I read from that is that Whaley hates trees! Or maybe even nature!? Or, HOLY CRAPPER, DOUG WHALEY HATES THE EARTH!!! O_O
  17. Then I'm not sure you're a REAL member of TBD Also the comments in the article linked in the OP just about covers it for me:
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