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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Thanks for the reports boys Astro, always great to read your write-ups!! ^fully on-board with this campaign!
  2. 1 Prime please, though if needed I can certainly go General! Just lemmie know... Thanks Hammer! :Beer:
  3. I'm in too - flying down, rather than driving, so I'll bring what I can grab locally (no grill, etc. though). Also, why doesn't Buffalo have Uber? I was going to just roll that way all "weekend", but no, not happening. And I roll them all the time in NYC - don't make no sense! I'll bring the name tags this year though, always good to put a face to a username
  4. Wait - there are Pokemon there in Hammer's Lot? I'm IN!
  5. Whaley said MRI today and they'll know more, but initial diagnosis seemed like he'd be back soon - per listening to WGR, so no link. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Like always
  6. ALL THE WAY UP! (anyone? anyone?) Let's Go Buffalo
  7. BTW - I'm IN! Have tickets, a room (Canalside anyone?), a car and a dream of a Super Bowl trophy. Will likely be out early to have lunch, catch up with Hammer and the TBD crew (can definitely help set up, or at least drink beer and encourage ), looking forward to seeing everyone!
  8. I was going to say - when the Bills write-up comes out, even with the "fan voices" unsigned, we'll know who they are just by the rationale behind the reasons we suck
  9. His source was probably Shifter - gotta love sports news reporting these days!
  10. Pretty sure the initial source of this was the fake Twitter account Adam Schifter (which looks just like "Schefter" on Twitter), that was the only "source" I saw on Twitter all day yesterday...
  11. I was having a conversation with a network TV guy (not CBS, though) last year who told the funny story about how they had to get rid of testing for cannabis because they couldn't hire any producers or directors. And Boom, the truth spoken. Not to mention that there are several more states voting on full adult use legalization and that its projected to be a $20B industry by 2020. There are just going to be more and more people that partake in the future...
  12. You can say the Jets had the better record at end of season, you can even argue that the Jets are the better overall team (though that's debatable and I sure wouldn't say "by far"), but they were NOT better than the Bills the two times the lost to them.
  13. Don't be so sure, I think the DEA will move cannabis from a Schedule 1 drug (Heroin, LSD, MDMA, etc.) to a Schedule 3; they were supposed to make a decision by July, but aren't quite there yet. Testing NFL athletes (or really anyone) for cannabis use is just dumb in my opinion - it's not performance enhancing, people don't get all rowdy on it, if anything it helps with chronic pain. What's next, testing to see if you've drank a beer? Having spent a weekend at a skateboard contest I can assure you that sport cares about marijuana use - not the "governing body", but the athletes! That cloud over SoCal ain't just the Sand Fire...
  14. Russ Brandon and the marketing wiz's pulling the wool over our eyes! Dooooooomed!
  15. High 5, and Go Bills! I took it as a good sign today that here in Vermont the first car I got behind on my drive to work had a Bills license plate ringer. Then when I was turning into the road I work on, a guy feeding the meter had a Bills shirt on - I gave him a hearty "Go Bills!" out of the window of my Jeep! It all HAS to be a good sign...
  16. At least the NYC medallions have dropped below a milli http://nycitycab.com/business/taximedallionlist.aspx
  17. I was just going to say "Shut the season down, it's OVER", but this post literally made me lol and gave me a newly found optimism for this year!
  18. If only we still had Stevie Johnson and Da'rick Ro'gers we'd be a freaking Super Bowl team! Loved Stevie (have an autographed jersey) and was sad to see him go, but who knows what he would have done on this team last year. Different QB, coaching group, O coord, etc. He MAY have been a nice #2, but I'm hopeful that Woods will step-up this year... I'll be here patiently waiting for the "Freddy Jackson Trade" thread, next.
  19. But we're ranked #1 in sadness - so there's that!
  20. Watching episode one now - amazing. You guys ask a lot of your sports content, I guess... How could anyone *not* want to see the Bills on this? Please, do this EVERY year, as far as I'm concerned. Probably part of the 2020 NFL "All Access Pass" for $1k Per year.
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