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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. This is, as the kids say, 100! And, damn, me either - good stuff!
  2. ^ This guy, one of the few near OBD that gets to park in the ultra exclusive "Hammer's Garage"!
  3. He looks great, shelf him until the season now, plz.
  4. AAAAAAAAHH - Please put him back in the bubble wrap and back in the bombproof shelter!!
  5. At a party - did they amputate yet? Someone plz text when they do... until then...
  6. I feel like it's heavily trending on TBD now days It's that what #OVERTHEMIDDLE refers to?
  7. Wonder what Joe's quote even means - they're concerned it's not ligaments? Rex just said on the presser they don't think it's ligaments, but we shall see...
  8. OK, Please cancel camp and let's go straight into the season!
  9. Oh man SO MUCH goodness in this one... "After watching supposed gurus like Norv Turner and Mike Martz and Marc Trestman come and go in this league, I’m convinced that there are no good quarterback coaches out there. They’re all frauds and megalomaniacs." "What has always sucked: Oh, you mean Tampa? Staph City? America’s Ti**y Bar? The Midwest with palm trees? Miami for stupid people?...The only reason people live here is because they’re fleeing child support payments and/or into giving boat tours. It’s not a viable American city. We should burn it."
  10. Link? I do remember him saying EJ has the "it factor", but never "EJ was MY pick and mine alone". I thought he always said "We make picks as a team here, it's a group decision" (which, is I'm sure how it is - no ONE PERSON has all the power, it's as consensus). You talk about lack of facts, but provide none... Also, excited to see what happens today, anyone been listening to Murph's wrap-ups / interviews at Noon? Good stuff! Go Bills!
  11. When Whaley was on Sirius Tuesday he mentioned they feel they have the dollars to get both Tyrod and Gilmore done this year. Let's hope...
  12. Classic! "Gase helped Cutler cut down on his interceptions, an accomplishment so widely heralded you would have thought Gase built the f'n pyramids by hand." I'm pretty sure the Bills one is just going to be a cut and paste of a Sully article!
  13. Is anyone staying downtown near Canalside? We're there late Wednesday (like after Midnight) until Saturday AM. Let's beer together...
  14. Would rather we just had a big speaker with the pre-game on - feel like I always miss that when I'm in OP. Guess we don't have to worry about catching the 4 o'clock games after ours, this home opener
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