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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Disagree - it's a calculated gamble. We have outs after a couple years and the number is reasonable. What's not to like. Why would he "slip" this season? And if we lose out and there's a great QB available at 1, who's to say the Bills wouldn't take him? Going out on a limb a bit... It will be interesting though!! This sounds like the reasonable, fair type of deals that *I* do with athletes. And I'm an !@#$. I HATE this move!
  2. I kinda just stood here and thought the same thing - I can't believe we just signed a QB long term. Wow. If he can stay healthy, I really like Tyrod as the guy! He's seems to be improving as a leader and QB in just one off-season, I'm excited to see where he'll be in 3 or 4!
  3. So, he's saying that Hammer had something to do with this? Now I REALLY like the sound of this contract - rumors are the new deal includes 2 Prime spots for every home game!
  4. But, what if his neck is in no way injured? Because he had a past injury, now got a concussion, he should retire? I mean, obviously his call, but you're acting like his neck snapped and his spleen leaked out right on the field... Before we insist he should hang it up, we should see what the actual injury / damage is.
  5. The reason to overpay him a this year, as opposed to having him play out the year, is to make the negotiations on a long-term deal play out smoothly. By paying him more now, they're letting him know he's valued, which often translates to a better overall deal or at least to a smoother path to a longer deal (and for the record, I do athlete sponsorship contracts as part of my job). Definitely going to be interesting to see where this deal ends up! But that's not the Two Bills Drive way!!
  6. Good thing it's Friday - all of my work can wait until Monday, right? F5 x 1MM
  7. I'm going with: Mylar balloon, into nearby stadium power transformer, which then knocks down power lines, which then land RIGHT in a cup a Gatorade that Tyrod is raising to his lips.
  8. Reading through this thread, I'm surmising they put him down right after practice last night. Poor little guy, I thought he was in contention for the Triple Crown this year too...
  9. No they don't - but how will he play without a spleen, John? How!?! ANSWER ME!!!
  10. No doubt planning to ruin the season with a concussion to Williams, per Rex's secret instructions! I know what they're up to at TBD...
  11. That's because you don't use your imagination well John - you have to BELIEVE that we have more injuries than everyone else in the NFL, then repeat it in digital print about 75,000 times, then it becomes true!
  12. Even guys that could POTENTIALLY be on our team are hurt! Reactions without facts are a key part of TBD!
  13. My girl lives right near there too - I spent a couple weeks at her place last month and constantly complained about not having AC Didn't catch this weeks HK yet, guess I have something to do on this rainy Friday... Of course! Then again, I'm not in the "clown car" camp with most - but if I could see what's actually going on behind closed doors, maybe I would be. Would fascinating as heck to see though...
  14. I was going to ask the exact same question last night - "Pretty much the worst thing that could happen", really with Aaron's neck injury THIS is the worst that could happen? o_O Did I miss him being ruled out for the year? Hopefully the neck will be fine, he'll get his head right and he'll come back to play at full-speed, with full confidence during the season. This injury is on the design of the practice? You do know they're playing football, fighting for positioning and the ball and that, yes, sometimes they have big unexpected collisions? Was Williams not following the line painted on the ground that he was supposed to follow? Not sure if people here thought that AW would never take a big hit, or what. He did, he has a concussion, let's just pray that the neck is OK and that his confidence isn't shook.
  15. Ah, no. Some key players though... http://www.rotoworld.com/teams/injuries/nfl/all/ Good perspective on how many guys are hurt around the NFL, all the time. I give them a series or two, then pull them. You have to play at game speed at least a bit before the season, IMO.
  16. Pats game is on TV here in VT - will let anyone know if anything exciting happens. Pats just recovered a turnover...
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