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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. The only thing I'm selling is optimism about my Buffalo Bills... You're anti-tie-dye too!? Don't visit Vermont, your eyes will burn out from the clothing of about every other person :D
  2. I stand corrected! Fortunately for me as I've gotten older the opposite has happened...
  3. Self-hatred? Losing 3 million didn't "harm" him, just affected his bottom line. He's still not "harmed" though...
  4. Joe B chimes in: http://www.wkbw.com/sports/bills/joe-b-if-suspension-of-bills-henderson-holds-another-example-of-nfl-lunacy
  5. You can't? Pretty sure the underground opioid problem is HUGE in this country... "You want a toe? I'll get you a toe. Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock..."
  6. Why? It's ok for him to take whatever prescribed meds for pain, but not cannabis? If the league is willing to look the other way on any drugs related to Crohns, they should be for cannabis too. The league just needs to update the weed policy regardless - which I've said on many occasions...
  7. I heard that too - my pitchfork, which is sitting next to me actually lit ITSELF!
  8. Programming alert - Rex is going to be on Murph after the break...
  9. NFL RedZone is playing the games tonight, if you have it - I'm sure we'll see some Bills look-ins.
  10. The link, for those that are curious: http://bills.buffalonews.com/2016/08/30/power-take-expect-progress-at-qb-not-many-wins-for-bills-ub/ Is there more to that "story"? Seems like it just ends... And to recap - if Tyrod does well the Bills will do well, if not, UGH we have to wait until 2019 or 2020 for the playoff drought to end? Seriously, he got paid to write those 190 words??
  11. Speaking of, Dear Terry and Kim, pleeeeeeeease get rid of the Field Turf at The Ralph New Era Field STAT!!!
  12. Sundays, during football season are strict "No Fly" zones for me! ;-) Not sure on the Sunday Ticket, though guessing if they had it, they would promote it on JetBlue.com! Looks like NFLN, but no ST: http://www.jetblue.com/flying-on-jetblue/directv/
  13. That was mentioned too, but they felt speculated that maybe some of the team's doctors work at that hospital vs the closer one? Guess we'll find out more in 15 minutes-ish...
  14. Dr. David Chao Talking about this on Sirius - they took Teddy to Hennepin hospital, which is NOT the nearest one to the stadium, fwiw. They're not sure why yet, maybe it's not as bad as it seems. The doc speculated that it could be a patella dislocation which looks really bad vs an ACL, which wouldn't look as bad and would be something that Teddy could walk off the field with...
  15. But I didn't even have time to voice my outrage at Doug Whaley on picking up Trainer in the first place! I blame Whaley for taking away my fun...
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