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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Just read this one by Vic that echoes the same themes: http://bills.buffalonews.com/2016/09/18/lynn-succeed-bills-oc-must-put-players-scheme/ Please let's get this O on track. Seems crazy that they're playing so ineffectively when they were making plays all summer. I mean, what happened to #OVERTHEMIDDLE!?!
  2. Please let this line of Sammy's quote be true: Pretty please? And thanks for fighting the Truthiness, JW.
  3. I suppose, but we don't have to make a decision for another 14 (at least!) games this season - I'm all for complete rampant speculation, but Magic 8-Ball still says "Ask Again Later." As of Sunday did it seem like he's our "Franchise QB of the Future"? Nope. Might that change? Yup. Especially because apparently even our Offensive didn't like the Offense!
  4. Right back at ya! It's kinda like asking "OK, you watched the text pre-amble to Star Wars, would you pay $1,000 to watch the movie again?"
  5. I'd have to know the reason there was only a two game season this year. Was it global warming? Spaced Invaders? Baine? Obama!?! A two game season wouldn't give me enough confidence that there would be full 16 game season next year, so I might not pick up anyone's contracts...
  6. Was such A great time - I wish we could tailgate (read: eat, drink and converse) at Hammer's Lot every weekend! Thanks again to everyone for everything... http://galleries.buffalonews.com/default.aspx?id=6911#/128 (EDIT: Strange, I swear the number changed)
  7. Very well said. I have no idea what's going to happen, but yeesh, SOMETHING had to change with that O - Roman sucked, IMO. I'm fine with running over and over, but at least vary up the plays. We have playmakers - Sammy, Goodwin, Clay get them the ball in some space. I KNOW it can be done, I'm watching Redzone today... You can either fear the worst, or hope for the best - you know were I'm at. Lynn sounds like a guy to me that is deservedly getting his shot to move up the ladder, now let's hope takes the job and runs with it / figures this s**t out!! And at least they made the move sooner rather than later, I could not have watched that O until, say the bye, let alone the season.
  8. Thanks to everyone, for everything! If there were a way to click my heels and appear in Hammer's every home game, I'd be there... What a great day. You know, up until the game.
  9. HA - mine is dead classic, standing up, arms spread taking in Shangri-La!! Sec 331, 8 rows up from the steps...
  10. FINALLY something that actually makes sense! Let's Go Buffalo!!
  11. I'm smiling because my friend said the same thing (with more F bombs)! CJ Up The Gut. Over and over.
  12. But, but rushes to judgement and conspiracy theories! As has been mentioned we'll find out if it was the right move. If not, Rex is hosed and he'll likely be gone as well. Might as well shake it up to see what happens... Also, thumbs up to those that mentioned Roman's running Shady into a wall. What'd we have, 1 running play in the playbook?
  13. To be clear this was a NE activation, so unlikely Russ had anything to do with it. It was a fine idea in theory, but the spray jobs I saw were not great. I did see several painted up people though, so some fans were intrigued by the idea...
  14. I'm a little suprised on this one, while the D let us down last night (was that the D, or Gilmore, how many yards are on him alone?), the O has looked disjointed at best. There have been times in the past couple games I've wondered if there was even an offensive plan. No idea of this will help, but it'll be interesting to see what they come up with on O. So Roman is out now, if the O get better sweet, if they continue to suck on both sides Roman would likely be gone at EOY regardless. The most interesting part is that now both Rex and Roman are saying they never really fit together. Pretty sure I remember way different comments when he was hired!
  15. Fwiw, was out downtown and a guy told us a story of overhearing Russ at the bar talking about their interest in Cower. Said they made a run at him initially, they make overtures to him and they still are interested - if he were down, they would find a way to get him. Didn't sound like it was super recent, but this year... Again, overheard at a bar, so take it FWIW, but interesting.
  16. Seems like that was just the writer inserted that, obviously not a statement from the team. And seems to me fans are often the reason coaches get fired. Owners embarrassed, fans pissed, coach fired...
  17. Downtown at 716 bar, the place erupted with claps when the news came on tv 😂
  18. Not sure if S help would have helped, but the D backfield got torched all night. You could *see* the open receiver running in the stadium, then would watch Fitz wind up and hit him. It was painful. Pretty sure the Jets had 176 First Downs tonight...
  19. Will likely head back down to Canalside and hope I can find an open bar! I will always watch every Bills game, despite the record, though will be in Italy for week 4, but since it's the F'n Pats it'll probably be on somewhere 😂
  20. Woooooo! Downtown and ready to rip (or ready to nap for a while longer, then rip) - let's do this!!
  21. If we sue the Bills for the grief over the past 15 years, do they get to counter-sue me for all of the good times in the 90s (and, though we've lost a lot for all the fun I've managed to have at Bills games throughout the 2000s)?
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