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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. He's giving away our secret plan to pressure the QB - when will this guy learn!?
  2. I often sit in 123 and this seems like a pretty standard happening in the lower bowl - I've often been there when security asks people to sit. And if they don't, the fans that don't want to stand typically let the Standers know! Still, it's a real age old question...
  3. There is a weird optimism in the air today - even the spread is moving, Bills now only 3.5 point dogs - its sunny and beautiful - I assume Hammer's is fun as ever - let's do this!
  4. Sammy Watkins - an turf devouring sex tornado, spawned in the hellfire of Fort Meyers! He runs runs routes to one song, and one song only - lady humps, but the Black Eyed Peas. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS, BUT IT'S PROVOCATIVE!
  5. Has no one on TBD ever been injured? Ya'll working your little jobs acting like a foot injury is no biggie... Hell, I broke my ankle two years ago and it still hurts when I go skate for a couple hours. Last weekend it was sore as hell from a Saturday session, but you guys would have been proud - I gutted it out for another Sunday morning session. I'm torn, while I'd love to see Sammy out there, feet and ankles are funny - lotsa little bones down there that one can tweak that will hurt like a MoFo. Can definitely see if affect ones ability to run and I don't think it makes one soft because they can't run on a broke foot.
  6. Which in Buffalo were all hoping means "What Would Jimbo Do!?!"
  7. Twice as many, gotta be twice as good! Also, I think we ran about 50 plays in BOTH games so far - we must have plenty of plays practiced and left over...
  8. Yolo - you save me so much typing all the time, it's appreciated. Simplified play calling does not equal "Players are stupid and can't understand the playbook". Yeesh, people here are funny...
  9. I think quotes like these are reason to at least hope for change Do what you know, do it fast and do it well - and maybe prey a little too...
  10. Theory: Rex is going to take a buyout from the Bills, because he's a shoe-in for the Colts HC job, but ends up as the D line coach for the Browns.
  11. I for one am fully ready for the Costanza Offense having watched the G-Ro version for a year and two games
  12. Please send $10 Cash to: The Shack At Hammer's Lot Attn: The Flat Earth Society 3 Bills Drive OP, NY I refuse to distribute digitally because, you know, that's how they get ya... Finally listened to the interview, I can't believe that Lynn said we're not going to throw anymore! For real, I had to chuckle when he said team's run an average of 65 - 70 plays per game - so if you have 25 runs and 35 passes and call them all once, that's a game, so you don't need a whole lot. Wonder how many G-Ro had installed each game?
  13. NOW we're talking, I PERSONALLY have won several championships with that playbook!!
  14. Not how the world works in 2016 - you need to take a position passionately FIRST, then if the thing your talking about comes true, you look like the smartest person the Internet. To yourself. I can't WAIT until they prove the Earth is flat, all you round-Earth believers will be like "Daaaaaaamn, Heitz knew what was up!" And count me in the "Optimistic Positivity with Tempered Enthusiasm" camp...
  15. 1. He's not a $92M QB yet. 2. Maybe they're taking out the plays that DON'T work or were there just there for superfluous confusion, rather than the ones that produced the open players...
  16. But he just did - he changed him from RB coach to Offensive Coordinator. Regardless, you believe your Truthiness and the rest of us (ok, a few of us, ok, very few) will actually wait to see what happens on Sunday...
  17. Pretty sure that guy doesn't read or listen, sooooo... For that matter I didn't either and I already hate this new plan - pitchfork, lit.
  18. Exactly. And just because they're simplifying from what it was doesn't mean "it's not complex", the players are stupid or it'll be less effective. IMO, it goes right to the comments that Roman's O was too focused on being cute and outsmarting the opponent, rather than just playing fast, good football. We gonna see in a few days!
  19. A-freaking-men. And wasn't TT one of the guys throwing #OVERTHEMIDDLE all summer? Now that's just mysteriously gone? Frustrating.
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