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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I love Fitz as a fellow bearded American that I'd like to have a beer with. He might play with passion, but too often he loses with passion...
  2. He definitely LOOKS like a genius, holding out, getting the pay day he wanted and only having to play 6 games
  3. After all, he's been putting out the same 80's rock scholck since the 80's! Well done Jon, well done!
  4. Adam Benigni and Vic Carucci talk Bills (Phins talk included): http://www.wgrz.com/sports/nfl/bills/adam-vic-on-the-bills/337598846
  5. He's donating all proceeds from his jersey sales (which are now #1 in the NFL): http://money.cnn.com/2016/09/07/news/companies/colin-kaepernick-donating-money-jersey-nfl/ Also, looks like the first million of his salary: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/colin-kaepernick-says-hell-donate-1-million-to-charities-that-help-communities-in-need/
  6. Question - is not possible to both be in shape AND pull a hammy? Not trying to excuse the injury, but man, injuries are funny - sometimes you get them regardless of the shape you're in (especially something like a hammy that can happen pretty easy when going through "explosive moves" like cutting, running, etc.). Who cares at this point, we're 4 - 2, just quit sniffing that ADHD (or is that smoked? I forget...) and get back on the field Marcell!
  7. Fitz got planted on that series too! Oof.
  8. Love that pic - Cog looks like he's ready to run *though* someone!
  9. Well then someone screwed up! I say we lop of a finger from both of them - that'll teach 'em...
  10. A roster built to be destroyed - nice work Miami! May your next rebuild go just as well!
  11. The good news is that the O seems to be finding its footing a little more each game, IMO. Hopefully the passing game will continue to develop (aided by the return of Sammy at some point :fingers crossed:) and will really be hitting its stride near the final quarter of the season...
  12. Anytime I go to any other team's fan boards I am so happy that we don't have those stupid picture signatures! Thank you SDS!!!
  13. Man - that's even better if you stop it every couple seconds and look at each player frame-by-frame. The formation had them off balance to begin with, the line blocked great, the step move that Shady used to hit the hole was sick and the second cut showed great vision, Clay was down there blocking at the end. Lot to like about that play! Let's see more of those, Bills!!
  14. Was going to say - being on crutches in the airport is the BEST! I was going to miss a flight because of security once when I had a busted ankle, so I requested a wheelchair and rolled me right through and right up to the gate where I stood up and walked onto the plane first, much to everyone's dismay Clearly a ruse!!
  15. Fortunately my burning pitchfork is also really handy for lighting candles at awards ceremony dinners! Leggo Buffalo!
  16. The advancements in Spleen Regeneration Technology is beyond our WILDEST IMAGINATION Yolo!
  17. Which I think is the MOST fortunate thing about this year, the schedule (and team issues like Brady out, the Rams D line out, etc.) have given this team a chance to at least find its footing. I think it was Belichick that said you don't really know what you have in a team until after the first four games. After 5 let's hope that we're seeing something closer to the "real" Bills than the first couple games. I for one am excited to see how things confine to grow...
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