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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. As long as Pegula doesn't have to sell the Sabres to Bon Jovi (who's going to move them to Nunavut), I'm ok with this.
  2. Soooo did the Bills call or NOT call the super hamstring guy mentioned earlier in the thread?!? The way I see it Shady is definitely playing. Or not. And you can quote me and Tweet that...
  3. Well, good thing we're here to balance them out!
  4. Queue the "he's soft" comments! Get well mega quickly Bobert!
  5. In other news Pegula CAN indeed own both the Bills and the Sabres in the same market... ^^^ see my point was ALREADY proven!
  6. Dude, are you nuts - they're going to TAKE AWAY those 4 wins! Dooooomed 4 Shore.
  7. On sirius they couldn't believe that 1) he didn't get a suspension for the stomp and that 2) he didn't get a fine OR suspension for going after someone's knee (I missed part of that story). The NFL always protecting players, except when they aren't...
  8. All I know is you should drink Austin Eastciders (hard cider), my buddy runs their marketing
  9. I love Fitz as a fellow bearded American that I'd like to have a beer with. He might play with passion, but too often he loses with passion...
  10. He definitely LOOKS like a genius, holding out, getting the pay day he wanted and only having to play 6 games
  11. After all, he's been putting out the same 80's rock scholck since the 80's! Well done Jon, well done!
  12. Adam Benigni and Vic Carucci talk Bills (Phins talk included): http://www.wgrz.com/sports/nfl/bills/adam-vic-on-the-bills/337598846
  13. He's donating all proceeds from his jersey sales (which are now #1 in the NFL): http://money.cnn.com/2016/09/07/news/companies/colin-kaepernick-donating-money-jersey-nfl/ Also, looks like the first million of his salary: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/colin-kaepernick-says-hell-donate-1-million-to-charities-that-help-communities-in-need/
  14. Question - is not possible to both be in shape AND pull a hammy? Not trying to excuse the injury, but man, injuries are funny - sometimes you get them regardless of the shape you're in (especially something like a hammy that can happen pretty easy when going through "explosive moves" like cutting, running, etc.). Who cares at this point, we're 4 - 2, just quit sniffing that ADHD (or is that smoked? I forget...) and get back on the field Marcell!
  15. Fitz got planted on that series too! Oof.
  16. Love that pic - Cog looks like he's ready to run *though* someone!
  17. Well then someone screwed up! I say we lop of a finger from both of them - that'll teach 'em...
  18. A roster built to be destroyed - nice work Miami! May your next rebuild go just as well!
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