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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Yeah, the playoff machine disagrees - and I too could not get the Bills in no matter what I did...
  2. Exactly, telling link and stats. Just pull up the old turf and burn it to appease the gods! 🔥🔥🔥
  3. We NEED new turf or just grass - I've never seen more players slip a critical times then on our field. Then there's the back rubber incident from last week, just not a good look! This is my number 1 non-player ask!!
  4. Only one solve - high altitude, bad weather training in the Himalayas or AK!
  5. Uber self-driving hover cars will be the norm by then! Except in Buffalo, where Uber will still be banned...
  6. Just in time for the new downtown stadium to open! Though, as a die-hard, I'm still going to park in Hammer's Lot for the game...
  7. Not sure the NFL works that way - has there been a team that has fired their coach, then brought in the next regime during the season? Typically someone else on the staff takes over. We're way too late in the season for a new coach from outside to try and come in and implement his system (or take over Rex's system)...
  8. Thanks for those, BTW. Though as we all know, fake news is way more fun... And this was a *literal* LOL
  9. If TT becomes available, the NJ Jets should inquire: https://elitesportsny.com/2016/12/10/if-tyrod-taylor-becomes-available-the-new-york-jets-should-inquire/
  10. This one just seems stupid - you write an article in December, about how you didn't like the way the coach spoke about an injury in September? Seriously what was the point of that article? Why even waste time publishing it (even on the web) - most of it was a rehash of what already happened?
  11. So, SO well said MD - I've been saying the same thing for many years. While (of course) I want our Bills to win (OK, to dominate) in the end I know that I don't have a ton of sway over what happens, so I've learned to enjoy the process. Each year I'm filled with optimism and each year the season is filled with highlights and lowlights and I'm always a part of the excitement or heartbreak and wouldn't have it any other way. It's funny, for a kid that grew up in Bradford, I'm super heavily associated with Buffalo in the industry that I work in (much of which is HQ'd in California). I'm not even sure everyone could pick Buffalo out on a map, but they sure as sh*t know that I'm repping the area! No matter where I live the Bills and Bills fans are part of my identity and definitely my connection to the homeland. Thanks for the thread OP and thanks for the great perspective everyone! Let's Go Bills!
  12. Yes, to a point. Not sure I can link Rumblings here. but: http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2016/11/23/13727758/scouting-tyrod-taylor-buffalo-bills-cincinnati-bengals Pertinent quotes (in breaking down the Bengals game) "True to form, Taylor has been making a lot of pre-snap reads in this offense, whether it’s finding his target from the get-go or cutting his progression down to half the field before the snap. And he does a solid job of that, evidenced by his low turnover count and decent completion percentage. The issue is that he leaves a large chunk of yardage on the field by outright missing wide open players." "So as a passer, Taylor fits into the template of “not a wizard reading defenses, but with good arm talent.”"
  13. I don't think it's a cabal, more the Schedule 1 designation which makes it hard to study, thereby not giving physicians the historical data that they need to make informed decisions on prescribing to patients.
  14. A few years ago this would have been my dream job, I woulda been all over it! Now that it actually exists and that I'm in a spot where I have the experience for it, I'm set and happy in my current job / industry / world - funny how life works sometimes... Still, big opportunity for someone!
  15. You know why you're such an annoying TBD poster? It's because 1) you think you know what everyone's motivations are and 2) you apply your own morality to situations. Even when talking Bills football you think your opinion is the RIGHT one... Why do you assume that pot smokers feel "guilt" or even that they're "wrong"? I want cannabis legalized because IMO, it does little to no harm (far less than alcohol) and should be a choice that an adult is allowed to make. No guilt or thoughts that what I'm doing is wrong, from me... Again, more assumption of guilt and an assertion that pot smokers are doing something "wrong"! Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion man. And just to educate you, people in the pro-legalization side call it "cannabis" because that's the actual name of the plant and because of the negative connotations that have become associated with "marijuana" over the years. Whether you like it or not, it IS cannabis. Your statement is like saying "I love when people call it Bourbon instead of booze, hootch or rot gut. Another attempts at guild avoidance". It's NOT those things, it's Bourbon, feel free to use it at your discretion. I'd LOVE to have this debate face-to-face, feel free to look for me at the home opener and we can discuss. If you don't think my brain has been too rotted by the jazz cigarettes...
  16. Another excuse for Rex! Also, was that Steel Dragon I just heard?
  17. Timely article: http://www.npr.org/2016/11/21/502610853/nfl-players-searching-for-painkiller-choices-hope-for-relaxed-marijuana-ban
  18. The good news is the safety debate will be over someday when self driving cars have been out for a while and are really perfected. I'm fully on-board with an autonomous vehicle that will just take me places (also seems like it would solve a lot of the safety problems in the weed thread too .
  19. If anything sounds like the drivers should be more afraid of the passengers than vice-versa: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2016/08/11/uber-says-most-of-its-safety-incidents-are-abusive-riders-on-drivers/?client=safari
  20. I swear, only on TBD do we have people that would argue against the convenience and cost savings of Uber I've taken Uber hundreds of times in dozens of cities and countries and have never had an issue beyond the driver getting lost and my trip costing more than it should (Uber refunded a big chunk of my fair both times that happened) and a couple crappy cars / drivers (just rate them low and they won't be an Uber driver for long). To each is own, but I love me some Uber!
  21. Does ANY coach or player want that on their resume?? That's why the idea of a "tank" is funny in pro sports is funny to me - "Oh I'm one of the best coaches / athletes in the world! That 0 - 16 season? Pay no attention to THAT year!" Winning is how they get jobs, endorsements and keep their careers going... Trust me Jackson WANTS to win as many as possible, draft position be damned.
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