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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Lit it up one season with him in Tecmo, about as legit a co-sign as one can have. GET R DONE, BUDDY!!
  2. We could hire a janitor and someone would bring it back to Tyrod... Oh, and GREAT!! / AWFUL!! hire.
  3. "Move to Orange County? Nah, too nice..." What is he, nuts?
  4. Me: Okaaaaaaaay. *shuffles away* I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think I agree with FC...
  5. Interestingly, was listening to Sirius and one of the hosts (an ex-GM? Wish I could remember who) went off on some teams using search firm consonants to pick a HC or GM (I believe they were riffing off the Jax hires). Mentioned a team a few years ago that paid $250k to come up with "the same old names". That said, there's nothing in what Pegs said that leads me to believe they hired outside help. By all accounts they knew they were going to fire Rex several weeks before the end of season, so they probably started to do their DD then. It wouldn't take a $250k consonant to put McDermott close to the top of that list, IMO.
  6. Couldn't disagree more about his 1:00 appearance on WGR - he was fine! He answered questions in a calm and pretty straight-forward manner. Not sure what people are hearing...
  7. I'm waiting for "Our last coach was a$$hole, are you an a$$hole too?"
  8. Discipline question - says players will lose a finger for each violation, making TBD happy! O_O
  9. Sully: "Rex had all these promises (that obviously failed), do you have any?" Dumbass.
  10. On Whaley: "Unfair what Whaley is going through, Doug does a good job, I like him, he works hard and he's a smart guy." (unsaid, but implied: "so SHUT UP")
  11. He's LIVE on the radio now answering questions just fine, soooooo...
  12. Reporters are paid to ask questions, it's perfectly fine for the subject of an interview to decline to answer or say no comment. I do media events with athletes all the time and we always reiterate this - if you're not comfortable answering a question, just decline and move on to the next... BTW, Terry is on WGR55 now: http://v6.player.abacast.net/2103
  13. Exaccccctly. It's really not that hard to understand, though for some reason people want to hear the owner trash the former coach. It's not going to happen (and quite frankly it doesn't need to - he trashed himself with his performance on the field).
  14. Let's hop he returns, he's the one player I might actually consider buying a jersey of
  15. FWIW, a blub on Musgrave: http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/5-reasons-sean-mcdermott-will-lead-buffalo-bills-to-afc-playoffs-011117 He's not wrong, actual picture of our current passing O:
  16. I don't really understand what everyone is reading into - great interview. I'm excited the Pegula's are our owners... Looking forward to the next chapter. Go Bills!
  17. I'm guessing that the injury clause was made intentionally vague - I've negotiated enough athlete contracts to know that lawyers don't write anything without a reason. Seems like both the Bills and Tyrod have arguments to make regarding the clause... There is also this line: Which says to me that, like all contacts, this has some wins for the Bills (and Ty) and some potential losses for the Bills (and Ty) - so maybe the Bills aren't idiots, they're just adding to a contract what they need to, to get it over the finish line. It also says to me they use the euro spelling of unfavorable. Maybe the one eye opener for me was, this says that if the Bills cut Ty and he's still injured he gets 27.5MM. I thought that if he was still injured by March whatever, the Bills would have to pick up the contract and he'd still be on the team. Of course, if they KNOW he's not going to be ready by the cut date and they're going to owe him $27MM to cut him, they might as well just pick up the deal regardless. As the article says a few times, it's a middle of the pack deal... Which actually means American taxpayers will pay for it, but don't worry Mexico will pay us back!
  18. Who's their HC now? Also, isn't Lynn still under contract with the Bills?
  19. But how will I prove I'm smarter than everyone else if I don't state my unequivocal (typically non-fact based) opinion before something happens!?!
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