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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Some day I hope to be wealthy enough to buy the Soul and move them to nearby Wilmington, DE! DOUBLE TAKE THAT!
  2. Is this thread a bump from like 5 years ago?? Regardless, I will once again advocate for the Goat Island Stadium.
  3. Welcome to TBD where someone, will find fault with something, 100% of the time. For example, I for one am personally offended he didn't invite Da'Rick Rogers... Seriously though, classy move - get your wisdom wherever you can.
  4. I bet you're on the low end there too... I might try to make this one, all depends on where my travels take me at that time of year and how much the tickets are going for! But I'm kinda in Cali a lot, so could be fun.
  5. Can someone please start multiple, one-off threads, on all the people we could have drafted, but didn't? I'll get my supercomputer fired up to start looking at scenarios...
  6. Going to join Romo in the booth. Or is it joining Murph on the radio?
  7. Classic article - "well this, that and the other COULD happen, but none of them are, so, yeah."
  8. Amen. I can only hope that my complaining on Twitter and TBD helped the cause in some, small way! Sent from my C64 Using AOL Dial-up
  9. I love that in EVERY thread there is always one person that will criticize any and every move made!
  10. That was a literal lol My takeaway - everyone at OBD but McD is an emasculated mute. Including and especially Kim!
  11. I found this a little confusing: Whaley has become a mute, emasculated figure. He's not allowed to speak for the organization anymore -- even on the rare occasions where they used to trust him. How many times has McDermott, or anyone else in the organization spoke since the draft luncheon? Once? Maybe everyone at OBD is an emasculated mute? Please send Buddy The Wonderdog to confirm...
  12. Laughed at that too - has there ever been a more appropriate thread title? This guy might just be a master of satire...
  13. For real. Don't coaches look at / use this type of data during the season? "He's not that great out of the shotgun. I know, let's use the SHOTGUN! Fool everyone!" Let's hope that Dennison plays to Tyrod's strengths, not his weaknesses...
  14. Playing with Brady ups your chances to win a SB pretty heavily! They won't be able to play this hardball game when he's gone and players aren't guaranteed a trip to the AFC Championship game or the SB!
  15. Clearly the most important quality of any player signed these days
  16. I'm not sure how I've missed this all these years, but that link is amazing. Did lol. Seems pretty clear McDermott has a different vision for the secondary. For a D that was often praised for it's secondary, they sure did seem to give up a lot of big plays at the least opportune times... Regardless, good luck to Corey - Let's Go Buffalo (and beyond just Bills football)!
  17. Would be interesting to see what happens if they don't land Romo! Sounds like they hated Osweiler and wanted him out regardless, but would be funny if they were left with no seat when the music stops...
  18. But the know-it-alls know we're going to suck - I think I'm just going to give up now... At least it's Friday
  19. We could wait for the season to see what our roster is going to be, but what fun is that?
  20. On Sirius Pat Kriwan said he has a ton of respect for McDermott and liked this move. "You're there to work. You go to work in the morning. You work all day. You go home at night and rest. And you do it all again the next day." Amen, PK.
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