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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Ironically though it's only been since last year's home opener since I've had a blast at a Buffalo sports team's game...
  2. ...about anything ever mentioned on TBD Finished that sentence for you.
  3. Wait, isn't part of the "control" narrative that McD wants to be deeply involved in the O? Now it's self evident that it's Dennison's Offense? O_o Regardless, had he said "I'm Head Coach and a Defense guy - I'll let the Offense take care of itself!" everyone would have freaked the opposite way
  4. Right, but if he were tagged, he would have to either sign it (and be under contract), sit out or force a trade - and I just don't think those last two are as simple, or as easy a decision, as some here are making it seem...
  5. Love that the first line in the article is "Taking a general consensus around the web, it’s very difficult to find anyone doubting Sean McDermott with the Buffalo Bills this season." Welllllll, obviously he didn't poll TBD's part of the web...
  6. I would have traded up in the First round (obviously knowing what I know) for Brady, if only to hear fans complain about what a stupid move it was. Then, like 15 years later when we're STILL winning, I'd totally throw it in everyone's face.
  7. Guessing preference, if he was actually hired everyone else (BB.com, beat reporters, national reports) would be chiming in...
  8. One can only say "Franchise Tag or Long Term Deal" so many times...
  9. Sure "he can say no", but it's not an easy no. Signing the tag is easy, forcing a trade, or sitting out a season is NOT...
  10. There's the overreaction I was waiting for when I started reading this thread...
  11. Good news - more time for stromboli (and maybe a pop or 4) at Hammer's! Best decision Russ Brandon has made in years...
  12. I was just thinking the same thing... Everyone wants to assume that McD wants all the power because he wanted it with an GM that he (or someone) considered sub-par. If they bring a guy in that he really trusts and can really work with, perhaps we see the power balance out a bit. Obviously remains to be seen, but the GM candidate names coming out don't necessarily seem like "yes men" to me.
  13. Yet several states (and millions of Americans) do. The NFL is out of step on this one, IMO. Ya'll know my opinion though, Legalize It. Especially for use as a pain killer in a sport where it's certainly not providing any competitive advantages!
  14. A few older articles on him: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/report-says-49ers-to-interview-texans-exec-brian-gaine/ http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/texans-promote-brian-gaine-jon-carr-012315 http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/nfl/miami-dolphins/article1959759.html (interesting one, worth the read...) http://bangordailynews.com/2012/07/14/sports/umaine-grad-works-his-way-into-miami-dolphins-front-office-as-assistant-gm/
  15. I know this will be tough to comprehend, but what if it's somewhere in between "KNOWING it will never healing properly" and "normal trajectory of the injury"? That elusive gray area... Obviously there's some reason for concern!
  16. Not saying this will happen, but a comet could hit the earth, and it could be in the Buffalo area...yuge trouble!
  17. Sorry, my response was more just a general response to John's comments, I don't really mind the premise of the thread... That said, you had me right up to: Why do you feel he's in over his head? By all accounts he just led a successful draft and players seems to be bullish... And I would argue that the second bolded parts are very much traits that will help him be a good coach. Probably the wresting too! Google something like "What makes Sean McDermott a good coach" and read some the articles. At this point we're going to have to wait for the season to see how he does, but IMO, you can't help but be at least a *little* optimistic.
  18. In the rush to be right we have no time for facts or actual results!!
  19. Agree 100% (per usual Yolo ) if he forces a *trade* aren't we getting *something*??
  20. True on the first part, guess I'm just not buying the second part. IF the Bills tag him, I find it hard to believe that he'd sit out a season, or force a trade, rather than re-sign with Buffalo. Just my opinion, of course...
  21. So they're risking paying $4MM more for next year (if Sammy is healthy, $0 if he's not and they move on) vs. $13MM next year (if Sammy is healthy OR if he's hurt).
  22. Ah, there you go... Regardless, even if it's $4 or $6MM more, it'll be an option (if they can't sign him long term, which is still on the table - AFTER he proves he's healthy in the season).
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