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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Like everything Buffalo, we need to be on the polar ends of the spectrum! One of the least loved and most hated teams? I find that hard to believe. When I tell people I'm a Bills fan I usually get a "I respect them, I'd like to see them win someday" (uh, me too bro...). As an aside, I was traveling for work the past few days and I saw like 6 people rocking Bills gear! Happy to see Bills nation representing out there.
  2. Note to self, bring a "New Spleen!" sign to the next game I attend. 😂 I like the direction this thread is going, BTW...
  3. So I shouldn't be mad I'm out to dinner at a place w no TV?😂 In other news, the Breckenridge Distillery is awesome (minus the lack of TVs)
  4. If people knew how much Scott paid me to post here (typically only 50% of my work day), they'd be PISSED!
  5. Isn't the first sentence a dead giveaway? Coach "denied it" - obviously trying to shield us from truth that is out there, that we really SHOULD read into it! Also, OP, don't think you're supposed to quote the entire article... And I should add, I'm all in on a rotation if it keeps our guys fresh and we have enough quality players to make it work! It's week 2, let's keep our guys fresh in the game and in the season.
  6. See, typical Tyrod - completing a high percentage OTM to TEs and RBs
  7. Hoyer thought he was going to Buffalo - anyone catch that on the SF game?
  8. The media mentioned this a lot today too - CBS basically said "they've got all new players, therefore they suck." Yeesh, let it play out bros...
  9. We definitely hemmed up their run game! Still want to see more from Marcell - make a play, make a tackle even...
  10. 99 not even in the stat line. The only time they mentioned his name was to say "We haven't event mentioned Dareus today.".
  11. @john_wawrow The #Jets have amassed a grand total of 6 yards net offense on their first two drives.
  12. We always want what we can't have
  13. Sucks for him, for sure - that's a tough injury. Thoooough, I'm not going to complain if their D gets a little worse! No blaming Stevie Johnson's bounty this time either...
  14. Gilmore's fault or not, if he were still on the Bills and that happened in week 1, this board would be in full meltdown mode! The best part of last nights game, for me, was thinking of all the Pats fans streaming out of the stadium on a Thursday night thinking "what just happened!?"
  15. Did you hear, they don't have Hightower - it's not even their D now! Woe is them!! How many more times will they mention that?
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