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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. This might be the best thing I've read in this entire thread! And, yeah, ^ what he said!
  2. Not sure if anyone remembers, but at some point last season there was an article on how different NFL teams allocate % of dollars within the cap to certain positions. For some guys its D line, for others it's WRs (for example). I've looked for it a couple times, but haven't been able to find it. I do recall it saying that Buffalo's cap allocation by position was way outta wack compared to the more successful teams in the league. I find it very easy to believe that even if they liked Sammy, they didn't want to allocate a big chunk of the cap to his deal (especially when we'll have a new QB next year).
  3. In the Internet age coaches only get one loss until they're called names, saddled with unfair (and often innacurate) comparisons and chased outta town.
  4. Seems like you're saying that ALL he was doing was clapping - you could clearly see him talking to, even yelling at, players as they came off the field. He was talking with other coaches too, from what I saw. Everyone's got their style, the players say they love him, so parsing his actions on a message board seems a little funny to me...
  5. Finally the plan for the 2013 Buffalo Bills is coming together!
  6. Quite frankly I would like to have seen him brought into the Blue Spleen Transplantation Tent yesterday during the game. Another clear failure from McPlayerHater, who clearly doesn't even want his players to make it through the season! If I see that guy walking around Buffalo I'm going to rip his spleen out Kali-Ma style...
  7. Not sure I would say EASILY - he could have potentially been extended, for a lot of money, with uncertainty on his long-term ability to stay healthy. And I guarantee management would take a star WR that fits their mold in a heartbeat. And that's with a QB that throws downfield. O_O
  8. Um, it's right here: https://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/196380-rick-dennison/?hl=dennison Try the "search" - it's the hot new thing in Interweb technology! And "Tightwad", what, is Tyrod cheap? I mean coooooome oooooooooon...
  9. Just a FWIW, Sammy was 2 - 30, with a long of 28. Robert Woods was 1 - 8, but he's f*%^king Crazy!
  10. Thanks for the sane take Virgil. I'm with you on the End Result - I know that Carolina didn't have a great record last year, but they're still a top team in this league. If we can somehow figure out how to manufacture some points, this team could be fun to watch as the year goes on...
  11. Just exploring the effect of Martinis on tough losses. So far, they seem to be working! What the hell do they know!? Are ANY of them even registered members of TBD? Tough loss today, no matter how ugly it would have been...
  12. Thank god the sane people have come out in the last couple pages (went out to dinner). Would liked it if he had ran that route more at the pylon and not stumbled, but he didn't. On to the next... Also, Hi Dean!
  13. The nerve! I even saw him trying to engage with each player as they ran off the field - what is the thinking!? Re, the bolded, ya think?? Bwaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaa - I'm sure that would go well for you.
  14. So your contention is McDermott wants to limit the opponents score, and then just HOPE to score more than them? I 100% guarantee you are wrong. Truth. Pretty sure this thread was posted after the first mention (though, to be fair, I was on about my 5th seltzer by then!).
  15. Completely agree - tough day, but I like this kid! Gronk? Just our freaking luck...
  16. Zay said in post game "it was a fine thrown ball" and that he should have made the catch, fwiw. Of course, I'm sure he's covering too - the pass obviously wasn't perfect and the catch was super tough, but the guy's a pro...
  17. Yes, the HC that kept Carolina to 3 points (and no TDs) is ALARMING! Time management was an issue, but he'll learn. And comparing the emotions of a real game to Madden is just silly, IMO. Can't wait to see where this thread goes... o_O
  18. Bad throw AND Zay was knocked off, tripped, spun, etc. Goes both ways on that one, IMO. Still...
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