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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Any speciality calzones? And I suppose that will be a nice spiced honey mead wine that you're really into... Dilly Dilly!
  2. Since we're on a marketing tangent, can I throw out this work from Dew* - I love it, Dewey Ryder baby! (* full disclosure, I do work with them, but not on this project)
  3. For the the new rocket fuel coffee in the office has kicked in - I'm basically just walking laps, talking to random people. Just have a 4:30 meeting, then I'M OUT!
  4. That's actually Process you're soaking in
  5. He looked like he was going to cry in his presser when he was talking about it. It's pretty clear that they were super close from Cam's "foxhole" comments...
  6. Still "working" - just picked up a 12'er of Super Session #8 and a new iPhone. Anything to NOT be sitting at my desk
  7. I quote that all the time and no one gets it, a big +1 for you sir! Dilly Dilly!
  8. I planned on having a chiller, but walked into a budget fire drill from my client! Somehow though, it's making the morning zip by... I AM rocking the jersey (Andre Reed, thank you) and I took tomorrow off! Just need to figure out how to get out of that 4 - 4:30 meeting, so I can stop at the liquor and grocery stores early
  9. I had to email my client about this TV spot when it dropped - if you create new vernacular that gets used by the masses, you win the marketing game! Also, if there are people that have watched this spot and don't get what "dilly dilly" means, I might have to take you out of tonight's game for concussion protocol. DILLY DILLY!
  10. Interesting that we picked up a guy that has already seen the Pats in live action - hopefully he'll have some Pro Tips for us...
  11. OMG, they all look like they're walking in SLOW MOTION! If we don't get a new strength and conditioning staff, I'm going to freak out on McBean!
  12. Thanks for posting - was listening to Sirius on the way to work and heard that I missed a Beane interview!
  13. Yeah, MINOR detail to get wrong. I also love the rationale from Carolina "with him gone, we can get younger, faster players on the field (since they have Funchess, who is a similar body type)" - i.e. KB is too good to take off the field when he's there...
  14. Rapport just said on NFLN that the Bengals were supposed to send the paper to the Browns to sign, but they sent it right to the league office. So maybe not the Browns fault. Regardless, it will ALWAYS be the Browns fault to me...
  15. Interesting - he'll play the Pats three times this year (in the REGULAR season ) and he'll have the opportunity to play in 17 games, stack them stats! Obviously if he plays Thurs...
  16. The analytics said it was better to call it in AFTER 4pm...
  17. I sure hope so - at least in a few packages. He's on his way to Buffalo now, hopefully he'll be in the playbook ASAP! We can do this!!
  18. He's on a plane coming here tonight (but Beane wouldn't say when he's in ) WHO'S ON AIRPORT DUTY!?
  19. fwiw, Beane live on Fb: https://www.facebook.com/BuffaloBills/videos/10155586375550659/ Said that once they get the contract they can, hypothetically, renegotiate the 5th year deal to extend him and bring the cap hit down.
  20. Live on FB: https://www.facebook.com/BuffaloBills/videos/10155586375550659/
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