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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. A fight to death in the middle of the field to prove who's not a kitty. In the last game I watched, I think Brick killed a guy...
  2. Yeah, they should have been like all of the other NFL teams that get into weekly fist fights when one of their players takes what amounts to a cheap-shot from another player. Right, we see that every week? Bands of brothers scrapping bands of brothers on other teams. Or, wait, are ALL NFL players heartless? This is why I emailed Kyle Williams and told him he should always keep a shiv on himself - just in case!
  3. "Hi Doug, my name is Jim Schwarz and I just have one question for you - what were you thinking letting me go?"
  4. Colonel Mustard, in the Server Room, with a Lead Pipe is my guess...
  5. Heard that too - it was Jim Miller and Pat Kirwan talking to Dean Blandino, Kirwan was the one that suggested the NFL should turn off the communications system when the C touches the ball. It's not that way now though...
  6. Let's Go Bills! I'm watching this one in Cali - seems really strange to basically get up and have it be game time already...
  7. Not to mention that they’re gone, but even if ALL of them were here, how many are actually good? Buddy and Doug, Super Geniuses! ?
  8. No hold on that 46 yard pass? Also, how does their guard point and move and never get called?
  9. I don't know what thread this goes in, but here seems to fit the bill - Schopp and Bulldog interview with Wood (so it's at least from an O-lineman's perspective): http://www.wgr550.com/articles/news/wood-wishes-team-had-done-more-around-peterman "Wish we had done more around Peterman" Thought this comment was interesting: Seems to be saying that there were some guys on the team, in the locker room, that thought it was OK to bench TT for NP. Who knows, but interesting if taken a face value...
  10. I hear what you're saying, though it could also go the opposite way - we draft and use FA to put together a killer O line, great WRs, now we take a swing at a QB and he sucks. I'm just at the point where I'd rather go all-in to get the ONE guy right that can make the others look good, than the 10 right that aren't going to help that one guy (as much, IMO). Either way, we need a lot of pieces!
  11. Do these people that just hammer the same points over and over tag out and then let a new person takeover? It's someone new every week, but with the same MO... Holy measured post - well said all around. Peterman was getting smacked all day (er, quarter, or half...), granted that doesn't excuse letting it fly with guys in your face, but not like he was sitting back, scanning the field, then throwing to the other team (or at least not on all of those picks, that last one did was staring down the receiver - I could see his face that entire play from my seat... AND you praised TT's ability - don't you know you need to love one guy and hate the other! I don't think anyone wants to draft "just" a QB, but many of us want that guy FIRST before we start to add a supporting cast. Obviously you need a solid line (and we have lots of picks and dollars to spend in FA), but more than anything we need a QB! TT isn't terrible, who knows what Nate is (I need more than one game to make an informed decision), but neither is a guy that makes you say THAT'S our Franchise QB!
  12. Was going to say, ahhhh, that's actually an opinion ?
  13. Holy, might have to make this my signature! Hyperbole much? Bingo.
  14. Have to be honest, I’d like to see Peterman start again - that game did get away super fast (and it all happened right in front of where we were sitting ?). After KB got hurt, the tipped pick, then a couple poor passes picked while getting smacked in the face (can’t do that, obvi) and we were done. It was crazy to watch. While everyone wants to blame it all on NP, or TT for that matter, the its never that simple - it’s a team sport and ours ain’t that good right now... At least get Nate some action so we know if we have a serviceable back up next year. Drought be dammned.
  15. “MEN - 50 of you are leaving on a mission, 25 of ya ain't coming back...”
  16. That hat was a literal LOL I can only laugh when people say things like “if you took away XYZ games”, as if they didn’t happen... I disagree - how many of these players will even be here next year? In two? I agree w Cripple Creek - I don’t think they quit, I just think they’re not that good...
  17. Possible? Truth. The D was awful today, stop one play please. And O, score some points, Shady was on it for a few plays...
  18. Was at the game, I wouldn’t say we quit, but would say we’re not that that good! Out classed the last three weeks by far, IMO...
  19. Fwiw, both QBs looks bad today and the D got SMOKED on what seemed like every play. Like, holy crap, stop one pass! That’s my view from inside the stadium, typed from the 405 because for the first time I left a game early... I hope the entire 18 roster is new players!
  20. Weeeelp, at least the LA Bills Backers tailgate was all time - love the scene.
  21. Fwiw, Tyrod was bounding off the field at halftime - guess I know why now ? Was getting beer and looked up, and the half had started- lol, TT is in!
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