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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Since you're new, just a heads-up that the likes were likely not around for those 10k posts, it's a relatively new thing here at TBD. Also, not sure what the heck they have to do with a posters credibly, but fine grasp at straws. Back to your doomsday predictions now...
  2. Why can't our WR's be so wide open constantly? Colts D ain't good...
  3. Colts had better learn to tackle (hint: wrap it up, dudes), or this one isn't going to 3 - 0 for long... Also, Go Colts!
  4. Let me cover both sides - OMG, he's going to play through an injury!? Shut him down, he's going to risk permanent damage, what is he thinking, what an idiot! - OMG, he's not going to play through an injury? What a glass kitty who can't handle the rigors of the NFL! This guy is a clown, trade him now while we can still get a 6th rounder!
  5. In hindsight, the O line wasn't ready - they ate our lunch all day during that game. Mix a ferocious pass rush with a line that couldn't block and a rookie QB and things were bound to go bad. That said, the atmosphere of that game made it a good choice to start a rook (on the road, at least). It was certainly NOT a loud, whipped-up crowd - at least a quarter was Bills fans. Lastly, while everyone is going to point at this game as to "why were not in the playoffs", but look to the Panthers, Bengals, Jets games for a few other reasons. They were all in our reach, but we couldn't finish. Cest La Vie, our record is what it is, on to tomorrow and next week!
  6. Wait, what? I thought that he was short, not that it wasn’t a catch. Watching without sound on. messy ending there...
  7. They had a chance to tie it up, but it wouldn’t have been simple. What, like 43 seconds, a good amount of field to drive, no TOs, they had to score a TD and get the 2 point conversion just to tie it up... Regardless always good to Squish the Fish! Now where’s Savior who also was convinced the Phins were the class of the league? ?
  8. Was wondering that too - is he banned? Thought he’d be all over this thread...
  9. Plus they had Clay (who’s having a big game thus far) covered by a LB. Shoulda been a TD...
  10. “The other team made a play - we’re the worst team in the league!” ?
  11. Right? I don't mind the fantastical "insider info" (though I don't blame anyone for being skeptical, this regime has been notoriously tightlipped - and this is a LOT of SPECIFIC info), but when you say "I'm leaving I'm not appreciated", you're losing me. I don't get any pats on the back for my amazingly funny quips, yet I come back to the coal mine day after day to keep on digging... I do hope some of this is true though - I like what I'm hearing. Also, just TELL us where the new digs are!
  12. What are meadcoins at these days!? Regardless, I'm getting seasons if they're in Saratoga. Will you send the strombolicoptor up to VT to grab me for the games? Ha! It perfectly encapsulates this thread...
  13. Working with the clues thus far and think I'm close...
  14. Question: who here has seen a game in a dome recently? Just curious if anyone has actually seen an NFL game in one of the modern indoor stadiums (and, no, Toronto does NOT count - ever)? Just lots of "the atmosphere is stale" comments, but folks in Indy and Minny seem to like their new homes. Like I said, was in Minny's stadium (though not for a football game) and it was beautiful, definitely made me change my opinion of what an indoor stadium could be. Just curious if everyone is going off of actual game day experiences, or off of gut...
  15. I thought that Jefferson was going into the stands! https://247sports.com/nfl/seattle-seahawks/Bolt/Quinton-Jefferson-ejected-gets-beer-tossed-at-him-112094927
  16. If Buffalo has to have a dome, I'd use the Vikings stadium as a model. I was there this summer and it is impressive. It's not a retractable roof, but it does have massive doors on the front that can be opened and is designed specially to let in light. It definitely felt like I was outside, while sitting inside. http://www.vikings.com/news/new-stadium/article-1/Innovative-Roof-Makes-US-Bank-Stadium-Lighten-Up/472f5cb5-d803-4dba-8541-3e6c9c6f4f3a As for the notion that snow makes things safer, I disagree. It's super easy to twist an ankle on snow that's packed uneven and falling on hard packed snow / ice / frozen turf sucks. These are multi-million dollar athletes, seems crazy risk them in such bad conditions. That said, I do love the Buffalo snow and the notion of playing outside. But I *really* get the argument for a nice, modern indoor stadium...
  17. Cool pic from the Bills... Let's Go Buffalo!
  18. To your point, a contract is law, and a player is really only owed what is written into a deal, but be a human and have some compassion, man. And don't act like teams (or even corporations that sponsor athletes) don't go above and beyond the deal points all the time... Regardless, the fact that NFL players don't have great health care for life, is laughable and a huge failure on the part of the league and player's association. NFL players generate billions of dollars in revenue by putting their bodies on the line, they should be taken care of and taken care of well, IMO.
  19. That did not last long - I wonder if they looked at the analytics and moneyball told them it was time to fire the GM?
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