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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. My sources say this is a file photo of DC Tom: Please confirm or deny. CONFIRM OR DENY!!
  2. Joe Webb scraped his package? Is he on the injury report... I'm guessing this whole site is a front for Russian trolls - the only thing I'm having trouble tracking down are the pay stubs for the "TBD board members" (alleged members) that I've met at the Hammer's Lot. If Hammer even IS his real name...
  3. The new Vikings stadium is super impressive - the roof is a double wall thin membrane that they can pump air through to knock off snow and ice. I had a little tour this summer and got to check out a few of the panels in their office, cool stuff. http://www.vikings.com/news/new-stadium/article-1/Innovative-Roof-Makes-US-Bank-Stadium-Lighten-Up/472f5cb5-d803-4dba-8541-3e6c9c6f4f3a "clear is the new retractable"
  4. Possible? Sure. Likely? That’s up each of us. Is it likely that the Bills have a trade package for Cousins already worked out, an in-depth draft board, and know all the details about the future stadium? Color me skeptical... That said, I’m sure there will be fun new “news” to contemplate after he meets with his sources in a dark alley in MD. This is the holiday thread that keeps giving, that’s all I can say for sure
  5. In other Buffalo news, snow is cold... Except for the fact that he's a disrespectful prick. Have a little professionalism, Marcell. It will be fun to see the kick off of next season - will Marrone be stoked when Dareus shows up out of shape and unmotivated?
  6. Better push back those NYE dinner reservations - no leaving before the end of the game for cocktail hour! And, from NFL.com: Buffalo clinches a playoff berth: 1) BUF win + BAL loss 2) BUF win + LAC loss or tie + TEN loss or tie 3) BUF tie + LAC loss + TEN loss
  7. While I know DD isn't writing online reviews, I came across this article and the coincidences made me laugh: http://time.com/money/4095258/fake-online-reviews-yelp-amazon-tripadvisor/ Now, back to waiting on stadium coordinates so I can purchase New Hammer's Lot at New New Era Stadium...
  8. In another thread I said that players don't want to see other players get injured - this scumbag is clearly an exception. Fitting that he and Donkeykong Suh are on the same team...
  9. Would seem strange if he was, say, a Steelers fan or something!
  10. Super Tailgate at Hammer's! Heck, if everyone sends me ALL their NFL money, I might even by Hammer a NEW lot next to the new stadium. As soon as DD let's me know where it's going to be built, that is...
  11. Just figured since many of us are sitting at home over the holidays, we could use a "watch to watch next" guide for Netflix I'll throw out American Vandal - if you like Serial or other crime dramas, and you have a sense of humor, I HIGHLY recommend! Maybe NSFW, kids, sensitive pets and the elderly
  12. Send all unwanted NFL dollars to me, I'll do something good with them, promise!
  13. Exactly - while I know that FANS hate other teams and develop intense rivalries, players are just workers, going to work, at their job. They know that at any moment they might be shipped another team, so to deliberately target one player for injury would be stupid. Do emotions fly causing fights? Sure. But NO player wants to see another get injured - most know how lucky they are to play in the league, period. Look at what happened when Cadet got hurt - there were Pats players coming over to wish him well, not to say "Good, you Buffalo jerk!". And taking the question the other way - knowing what we know now, um, YES would should have gone after him in the draft! Though IIRC he had back injuries that caused several teams to stay away from him...
  14. So you chimed in to say you have info, but you're not going to tell us. I mean, is that in line with "Christmas sprit"? WWJD!? He'd win us a Super Bowl, that's what...
  15. There was also a stat thrown out on Twitter yesterday that the Pats lead the league in First down conversions by penalty!
  16. For me, the past two years kind of did - but we had a new staff (whom we all know you hate ) and they needed SOMEONE to work with. As for the "why didn't they draft a QB", I'm guessing that it's because they didn't have all of THEIR scouts, etc. in place before last year's draft. Yes McDermott was here, but (IMO) we need to give Beane and staff a full year to evaluate the college player landscape. Should be an exciting off-season - I'm guessing this team will look quite different next year!
  17. ^ Good article. I like Romo and thought he did a great job calling the game yesterday - he interjects a little fun, its clear he has a deep knowledge of the game (it's no surprise the guy had a good run at QB with his smarts), and I felt his criticisms of the Bills and in particular Tyrod, were on point. I know he was getting bashed all game in the ShoutBox (and I'm sure those folks will stop into this thread ), but I'm on-board. Can he come out of retirement to both play QB for the Bills AND be our broadcaster?
  18. I'd be happy to get Tyrod an Escape Goat that he can ride right out of Buffalo. And I actually like TT, I really want him to succeed, but he's just not clutch and we need more, IMO. Regardless, there is potential that TT won't be here next year and if he's starting on another team, we'll get a little more data to help us answer the "coaching staff or Quarterback" question. I guess I'm betting on the Coach / GM in their first year, vs the QB in his 8th...
  19. Come on man, no one is insulting you, or ridiculing you - there are just folks that don't quite believe what you're saying. And you're not helping your case by ignoring the questions that you don't want to answer...
  20. This thread seamlessly blends fact and alternate facts into a delicious stew of fun!
  21. I think the point is we're NOT SURE if you're full of BS. And every time you state what you've "called", the list gets longer... And did you really just say you're being bullied, because people don't believe you?? o_O
  22. Not going to quote the entire OP - but good post and one that I almost entirely agree with. The biggest intrigue in the off-season is 1) do we keep or kill Dennison and 2) who's the QB.
  23. I've read, and have been entertained, since page 1 (of all 7 threads you've started). I'm back home with nothing to do, this IS my entertainment... And, again, I think your opinion (or ego) is getting in the way - no one is mad because everything you've said "has all been factual", it's because you have not really provided any proof, or really said much that others haven't also said. Throw enough stuff at the wall, something is bound to stick! I mean, think about it - why would people be MAD if you're providing really inside info with value?? Though, to be fair, I am quite the hater - ask around TBD
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