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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Early on in the thread measured take. Everyone needs to take a deep breath. Literal lol here. A7 with good takes all thread. I thank our robot overlords everyday that we didn't have social media back in the day. Man oh man... Anyway, I was just getting off a plane when the pick was made and just came home and read this entire thread. Some real strong opinions around here (and way too many "know it all" hot takes). I'm of the mindset that Beane and Co know this is their future in the league, so they made moves to get the guys THEY wanted. Not you. Not me. I probably preferred Rosen, but I don't watch enough college ball, so my opinion was probably way too informed by TBD. I'm excited to see how he develops and am fully Trusting the Process! Let's Go Buffalo!
  2. Something, something, something, grand conspiracy that the NFL has against the Bills!
  3. Boarding a flight right now, so, OK I will ?
  4. Did I mention I’m going to be on a plane until 9pm? A little ass puddle jumper with no DTV and not even any WiFi. Talk about freaking out...
  5. If only it were that simple - overpay for “the franchise QB”. Right now we can only overpay for a lottery ticket with better than average odds.
  6. The the ONLY thing we know about this draft is that there will be someone on TBD that hates what we did and will threaten to “quit” the team / board... ?
  7. I’m about to walk into an airport, the one place where it’s socially acceptable to drink at 9am (I’m PST, for now).
  8. Phil Simms and Jim Miller too (per yesterday's Sirius interview) - Allen is the top guy for both of them. Simms said that ALL he watches is QB's too, fwiw...
  9. Phill Simms talked about this kid a bit yesterday on Sirius - said he took a look at him and thought "WOW, kid's got talent". Interesting prospect for sure...
  11. Guessing the hotels, restaurants, bars and stores near the stadium aren't too sad... What about Mike Tyson fights? So much hype for a few seconds of action!
  12. FWIW, listening to Sirius and both Phil Simms and Jim Miller like Josh Allen the best of all QBs. Simms mentioned the completion percentage criticism, and pointed out that Allen threw the least amount of screens (by far) of any of the QBs. Those screens helped pad the other QB's stats. The also pointed out that Allen WINS, he turned the Wyoming program around... Just another perspective to throw into the mix - I know we needed one more! Edit: Also added that Allen has the best one hand pump fake and will be able to move safeties all over the place...
  13. ^ I'd go with Mead, Hammer, SDS and Rosen - they bring value IRL: - Stromboli - Parking - TBD - A man in a skirt What else do you really need? ?
  14. Holy OP, is it really that hard to understand that people sometimes change their mind? Initially they did not want to trade back too far, now, after some consideration they're open to another trade back - for the right price (read: a ton of assets). https://www.wthr.com/article/kravitz-blog-colts-ballard-is-willing-to-trade-back-again-—-if-the-price-is-right "When Ballard made the deal with the New York Jets to trade down from No. 3 to No. 6 and acquire three additional second-round picks (two this season and one next season), he believed it was unlikely the Colts would continue to trade back, having identified a limited number of game-altering prospects. But now, after working through the process, here was Ballard on Friday saying the Colts believe there are eight players (non-quarterbacks) worth his team’s attention."
  15. Blowing it! Good thing for Twitter, fans have been letting them hear it... Was enjoying Murph / Tasker. And we're back!
  16. 2 of the three at 12 and 22? Really shake it up...
  17. Also, of he slides, let’s take Rosen at 12 and then the next best QB at 22 - all-in, baby! ?
  18. I’ll go - I LOVE some TBD, but dear lord the draft can’t come soon enough. When you have a bunch of reporters that are experts in the sport saying “I like this guy over that guy for these reasons”, ok. But when you have poster after poster saying “We’ll, it’s OBVIOUS this guy is the best...”, or “I have eyes, so I know he’s going to be a busy...”, etc., it gets old. I’m always down to read well thought out opinions, but not a bunch of posts from people that think “I’m smarter than everyone else”. Fortunately we’ll know the pick soon! Then TBD can spend the rest of the off season hand-wringing about how the Bills “Definitely screwed this up by trading up / not trading up and taking ________ who it’s plainly obvious is the worst player in the history of the NFL! So Billsy!!”
  19. If he could use his clairvoyant vision help me find my glasses that I lost in the ocean yesterday, that would be a YUUUGE help! ?
  20. Pretty obvious to this guy, but to no one else out there... ??
  21. Not to mention that people today want elevated experiences - I work on some big events and we've found that it's much easier to sell expensive VIP tickets vs $10 GA tickets. The way people consume events has changed in the past 45 years since The Ralph was built... Also, love the "conspiracy theories", like this guy on Twitter: If the NFL thinks they can scare away bills fans and keep us “behaved” because the home games are later in the season they are sadly mistaken #buffalobills #billsmafia #nfl #bills "Sadly mistaken" lol. OH NO, THE MAN IS TRYING TO KEEP US DOWN!!
  22. Anyone have the points to go from 12 to 5? High in Power Business Meetings at the moment and can't look up...
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