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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I don't think that's entirely true (and naturally I can't find the article now). Essentially HBO films and edits the storylines as they see fit - the Browns do a final sign off, but on "sensitive info" or the like. The Browns don't get to overly affect the story line, from what I'd read (which is much like several sports content projects that I've worked on with media). Regardless, it's obviously a promotional tool, but you can be sure that HBO is editing to create drama. Guarantee that the Browns aren't loving the image that's being presented of them, right now... As for the Bills series - Dear Process, I Love You! Seriously though, watching how McDermott operates vs how Hue does, you have to feel good about the direction of the coaching staff and the leadership they're providing. We always hear about how "good coaching makes the difference", I feel like we're going to get to see that here in Buffalo (we sure did last season)!
  2. SEE - you all hate the Marketing Department, until they come up with an idea that involves Free Beer! ??
  3. One note on the whole Hue thing, it just goes to show why you need an ENTIRE organization pulling (or maybe pushing) in one direction. When you have a GM that doesn't seem very communicative, a Pro Personal guy that didn't seem prepared, O and D Coordinators that seem to be circling the blood in the water and waiting for their shot, coaches that aren't motivating players, you have a recipe for disaster... Makes me glad to see the stability we're seeing from Beane and McD - everyone really seems to be on the same page. Hue is a nice guy, but he has to be glad he has Tyrod there to act as Assistant Head Coach! Regarding Coleman, the guy has more shoes than me! Impressive collection. Also, the Browns WR coach and room didn't seem too stoked on seeing him traded "He's not here anymore, we have to move on with who we have in the room." So was he a malcontent not learning the position, or was he a valuable teammate respected by his peers? We're about to find out. Pretty clear HE thinks he should be running with the 1s... Also, the scenes where Calloway KNEW he had been busted, but hadn't told the team were interesting - they could all sense something was wrong. As was said, his apology to the team was terrible - a key to an apology is, you know, MEANING it. And no is going to mention the Browns "punishment" - playing the entire game? As stupid as the 30 catches on the juggs machine. Yes he caught a TD, but he was also exhausted and could have easily been injured. You don't break your only good WR to "teach him a lesson", IMO. Looking forward to seeing our boys come to town next week! Lots of hugs for Tyrod and Calloway, I'm guessing.
  4. Tyrod might be the Browns best acquisition - guy gets it.
  5. Selective editing I’m sure, but he definitely asked for it. Would love to know what else led up to the outburst in Hue’s office! I would also say, would YOU want to play for Hayley? Him and Gregg together on the sidelines chiding players, rather than coaching them. Ugh. How about the personal guy w Dorsey? Seemed completely unprepared...
  6. Ben Roethlisberger makes early exit from practice https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/08/14/ben-roethlisberger-makes-early-exit-from-practice/
  7. Cinci, classic: https://deadspin.com/why-your-team-sucks-2018-cincinnati-bengals-1828297040
  8. Hopefully he grows into The Capo of the BillsMafia... ?
  9. We can't all be on the active poster roster - some guys just GOTTA meet the turk and get the Ignore!
  10. Nicknames, much like starting jobs, are earned ? ?
  11. To be fair, it is pre-season and we ALL have to get into shape for the season - even the complainers that are gonna complain... ?
  12. lol - 9/19, 116 1 TD and Allen showed a glimpse of what his arm can do. Tyrod looked great tonight, good for him! I wish him success, the guy's a class act. But here, in Buffalo, BOTH of the guys vying for the staring job looked good and Allen, playing against 3rd stringers, but also WITH third stringers (who did him no favors) showed a lot of potential. I'm excited about where this offense goes after a debut like tonight, to be honest... Let it all play out. Or become a Browns fan and watch Tyrod EVERY week I guess.
  13. On that first series, I think he threw once and it was a lofter over the nearest guy's head. Next play was a stopped run. Punt. Haven't really paid much attention since - focused on what we're doing!
  14. I'll be in Vegas next weekend - I'm taking the over!
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