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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Can't it ever be BOTH!? And, solid try there on 3rd and 21. Flicka the wrist for Josh...
  2. What the what now!? Seriously though, it looked even worse when they just showed it again. Crazy...
  3. Why did they go for it on 4th down? Just, "Preseason situational"?
  4. I'm interested in seeing Tyrod - I think I'll always be interested to see how he's doing, how his career goes. It'll also be interesting to see how Mayfield does in the second half, Hue said something like "he's going to play him until he's sick of seeing him." - great, Hue, that sounds like tough talk. But you know, let's see how all of these young gun QBs look! Let's go Tuh! ?
  5. ^ It's the first thing they teach rookies when they come to Buffalo. "Rookies, ALWAYS get BC for your wings. I don't care if LOVE Ranch, don't even say the word. I don't care if you GREW UP on a ranch, just say "I grew up on a farm", then order BC for your wings and STFU."
  6. True story, I met Takeo a few years ago and naturally had to let him know I'm a yuge Bills fan and that he's an all-time favorite. He said (something like) "I loved Buffalo! I'll never forget going there as an upcoming FA Bengal and everyone in the crowd was cheering for me, telling me to come there. I was like 'Hell yeah, Buffalo's for me!'". Pretty cool. And yeah, he's still big as hell!
  7. William Shatner? Makes sense... Or did you mean Will I Am? That makes a little less sense...
  8. The Rookie QB Generating the Most Hype This Preseason Is … Josh Allen? https://www.theringer.com/nfl/2018/8/23/17772724/josh-allen-buffalo-bills-nfl-preseason-hype ?
  9. Figured that was him, my Sirius screen said "Ross Tucker & Eric Wo..." - which was a real C'mon Man! moment Good for Wood - I like that guy...
  10. To be fair, that's sort of par for the course for all of these... But there were some funny lines:
  11. Wait, you also get PAPER statements? Like, in the MAIL!? You do know that's all online, live, in real time now, right? Heck, you probably go to the bank to deposit checks too and don't use Mint to make sure that you're not spending more than you earn... And yeah, I'm 45+ so I've written my fair share of checks. Sorry, just couldn't resist a touch of luddite ball breaking, this is a BROWNS thread after all! ??
  12. I have the DTV online Sunday Ticket (and have for years). On the site it just asks if you can get DTV, you say no and it let's you get Sunday Ticket online. What's interesting is theoretically I could get DTV in my condo building, but they 1) won't let residents put up their own dish and 2) have some sort of contract with Dish Network so they ONLY offer that service. I think it's like $250 this year, but has been totally worth it for me and that's despite the fact that the Bills v Pats are on TV here twice and I usually go to two games a year. Still there are times when I'm on the road that it's been a lifesaver and totally worth the $$$! I typically stream on my PS4 at home, or my laptop or phone on the road. All work well, though as has been stated you can ONLY be logged into one device at a time. For example, one time I was streaming on the PS4 at home, but had to go to an engagement - when I left, I forgot to turn off the PS4, it was still logged into ST, I couldn't watch on the phone, I nearly freaked out. For me, totally worth the investment! In fact, it's the reason I bought a PS4 a few years back - need that Bills fix!! Or there's some other place you can always get the games for free, but not sure if you Redd..(about)..it?
  13. Blah blah blah, Palmer sucked as a QB! Blah blah blah, Palmer is just going to get in the way of the Bills coach! Blah blah blah, QBs can't possibly improve accuracy. Glad to see some of these pre pre-season narratives starting to melt away. I think the best part of that article is that is shows Allen is willing to work and listen to those that can help, to learn and correct his flaws. Can't wait to see where we go from here! ?
  14. Gregg Williams gonna Gregg Williams, that much is for sure. Was there anything better than seeing him lose his s**t when Allen scored the TD. Really made my Tuesday night... And Bob Wylie feels like the type of guy you ONLY get in the world of pro football. Quite a character! If nothing else, HK has made Baker a little more likable to me - I don't follow college ball, so it's interesting to see him "up close". Not sure how they're going to keep him off the field, even with Tyrod there.
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