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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Too logical of a conclusion - I mean we did continually run jet sweeps today...right?
  2. 1). Crazy? Or so sane it’s blowing our minds!? 2) Is he Josh’s safety blanket? I’d like him to be, but not sure he quite is yet (game planning). Regardless, I’m in the “don’t trade Shady” camp. Can’t we have ONE nice thing on this team? ?
  3. Flipped to that game at just the right time! Amazing...
  4. ...or bust. Or diiiiiiiie... ? Glad I’m not the only that calls that out!!
  5. Which one we going with - they both broke it down completely differently! ?
  6. It was obviously the pay cut that made him go bat sh*t crazy the past several months. He'd have been fine, if not for the bullying by the Bills organization! ? ?
  7. No delay of game? Rewind and look, sure looks like the play clock was at 0! And amazing play by Mahomes - kid is fun to watch.
  8. First post says he was sacked, hurried, or knocked down 24 of 29 dropbacks. Yes there were some clean pockets (half the story, since the WRs can’t get uncovered), but not like protection was great. Hence the bailing, to your point... I’m with those that said Allen kept it together. Kid was in a bad situation, but didn’t get too rattled. Definitely excited to see what he does with a line and some WRs!
  9. Was with the girlfriend’s fam, so after the game it was time to get on that bus to the hotel before the other 78k! BTW, the city bus loops were awesome - no need to drive if you were at a hotel, just hop on and roll. At the tailgate I joked “As a Bills fan you always have to really appreciate the tailgating - anything might happen during the game.” Turns out I was right, the tailgate was the s**t, the game just, well... Thanks to all of the TBD / Hammer’s Lot regulars that made Green Bay feel a bit like Buffalo! As Hammer always says, it’s the tailgaters that make the lot and that showed today (though, we can all admit that guy and his slice of land are at the center of the Bills universe). Anyone have that drone footage? Amazing one of those two cops didn’t shoot it down, they were NOT happy! ? Hopefully I’ll see everyone at some point again this year, you know, IRL - thanks for the high fives, cheers and chair (Jay ??). I’ll put up a few pics when I’m back to a spot where I can shrink em down. Thanks all - Go Bills!!!
  10. Lotta Packers fans said to me today “It’ll be ok, the kid is going to a good one - eventually!” Except dude about 4 rows back that kept yelling at me “ALLEN SUCKS!”. All the other Pack fans laughed when I finally turned around and said “bet you weren’t bitching last week...” ?
  11. Correct, but the key positions of QB, MLB, CB and LT (maybe even DT w Harry) are very young and that the core we’re building around. Another draft and FA with actual money and this team will look very different next year at this time, IMO...
  12. OUTRAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE!! J/K, that sucked, but at least the Pack fans were nice, the stadium awesome, the tailgate a blast, TBD represented... Lets hope a lotta learning comes from this one. Schedule is hopefully going to get a little easier after this (?).
  13. Wellllll, crappy game, but a fun game day in Green Bay. Everyone was cool, had fun, ran into many TBD’er’s... Lets hope they can learn from this one. Oof. Per Kenny as we were walking out “a catastrophic failure all around”. Yup.
  14. Definitely a little cool this AM here in GB and maybe a slight slight sprinkle. Looks like 50 and ?? for the game though, should be pretty ideal weather for the players...
  15. At The Stadium View having one - lotta Bills fans in the house. Lotta just “fans” here ?. have seen a ton of RW&B though!
  16. On the first flight - caught an upgrade and got a big “Go Bills!” from a couple other fans traveling from BTV to Green Bay! I’m taking all of this as good karma...
  17. Where was Shady last night and has he ever bought Bob any jewelry?
  18. Getting ready - I leave this afternoon, will be in Green Bay tomorrow!! CAN'T WAIT!!
  19. So is THIS the tailgate that most of TBD will be at? Dr Rosen Rose, since you posed I'm guessing you'll be there? @NewEra you hitting this one? @plenzmd1 are you going to leave the comfort of that house you're not having a tailgate at?
  20. Sooooo, just look for the handsome guy with no Bills gear on!? ? Regarding the gear, I think the reason we got crushed at the opener is because I forget to change out of that small SJ13 into my fresh new #95. Seemed to work last week, so will be rocking it again this week! I'm getting pumped for this one, will definitely drag the girl and her fam to all the Bills tailgates!
  21. I’ve heard that Sobelmans in Milwaukee is worth the stop! Anyone else have any Reccos?
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