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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Someone please resurrect The Coach and get him to Cleveland STAT! "Well GrrrreeeeeEEEEEEEeeegg, said it had to be that way, so it was!" Great times in Sports Radio, for sure. I can totally picture the "Heh, heh, heh, I AM smarter than everyone else" look on Williams face when this was announced. Get ready boys...
  2. Hi gang - hope that all is well in the Lot! Please email me a bloody and some Stromboli, thanks!
  3. Saw this coming about 5 minutes into Hard Knocks... ?
  4. Ive been on vacation for a couple weeks, but seriously, who put the acid in TBDs water supply!?
  5. Definitely interested to hear more about this - I mean, what’s the circumstance and what was he thinking!?
  6. ??? Football Czar or Die. Or Buuuuust.
  7. If you don’t have fun, why the heck are you a Bills fan!? Yeah the games can by trying, but once you really get to know the fans, it’s all amazing. My Bills fandom has introduced me to folks around the world that would have met. Go to the home opener one time and tell me being a Bills fan isn’t the best.
  8. Metal straws or bust. Or diiiiie...
  9. Thank god im In Texas at the F1 race and the streaming was slow - no Bills torture, good BBQ and beer and fast cars. ?
  10. The conversation moves quickly (and is circular) around here, please try to keep up...
  11. The fact that we haven’t already drafted at least two more QBs this year is a complete outrage! Buddy - asleep at the wheel!!
  12. Gug, is it even worth playing wack-a-troll these days? You only need to read dudes name to know he’s an immediate ignore ?? Your diligence is appreciated though!
  13. Reading comprehension seems to be at an all time low this week ?? I’ve been out of town, so just to make sure I have it right - Allen was hit by a bus, legally dead for 5 minutes, then the LAMPing doctor amputated his throwing arm rather than treating his spleen? So Billsy!!
  14. Pretty clearly you do not. Looks like I picked a good week to be out of the country on vacation, the tears of TBD have probably flooded all the way up to Vermont by now! I should check in with the crew... Until then, back to what’s important here - vino ????
  15. Yeah, but that high probability is only because they’re doing the MRI on his spleen. ? Any updates on this? Or guess it’s a little early on the East coast...
  16. While I agree with the first sentence, I disagree that a good next draft won’t help the team and Allen improve. Let’s see what happens if / when we get WRs that can catch and OL that can block... Definitely a little nervous, but super interested in seeing where we are after this off-season. ?
  17. Was going to say the same thing - it’ll be a little more clear next year! Seems that those that are “generally patient” are often not... ?
  18. Giant shocker! ? But Hughes said he hates the Bills because they only ran sweeps since last Monday. Follow the money, it doesn’t add up...
  19. Guessing not, since we can’t and don’t run sweeps. (though since I’m in Italy an couldn’t watch, I’m waiting for someone that actually watched AND understands football to chime in - a lot to ask for on TBD after a loss, I know?)
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