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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Not to overly defend Shady, but when he gets a handoff 3 yards behind the LOS and there are 2 defenders on him IMMEDIATELY, not sure what he's supposed to do...
  2. It's a bad one, but pretty clearly was what caused him to not be close to catching the ball. Sucks, but Nature Happens...
  3. WE RAN A RUNNING PLAY - WE'RE SCARED! Oy vey...the hottest of hot takes...
  4. Holy, I watched the game without a computer or phone last week - much more relaxing without an overreaction on EVERY plan (just like every third play).
  5. Somewhere Microsoft, The Official Tablet of the NFL, weeps...
  6. Strange response, because in this case you didn't know the difference between and cramp and a "career altering" injury, but decided to call it anyway... And how are you "educating"? You were wrong.
  7. Can we revisit this topic in about 4 games? I'm betting the situation will be different...
  8. Whatever the Two Bills Drive of Raiders Nation is, it must be a real pleasure! And we think WE have it bad...
  9. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE TOM!! Did anyone hit up Hammer about the sign?
  10. Yesterday was a “disaster “? O_o And why are we reminiscing about losses? I’d rather think about uplifting wins, than crappy losses...
  11. Yeah and I’m not saying he didn’t have some bad throws, or that he’s 100% accurate, but no QB is - nearly all of them throw some headscrachers. And Josh needs some time to develop, quite obviously. I just think that if our pass catchers could catch passes, his numbers would look better
  12. You’re missing one factor - sometimes he throws a nice ball that hits a WR in the hands (or chest) and they can’t catch it. I’m not sure how people harp on Allen’s accurately when he has several balls dropped every game. I would think that with an O line that can block (even a little) and guys that can, you know, catch the ball, Allen will improve...
  13. You're arguing with one of TBD's well known trolls - you'll never win, just let him yell himself to sleep...
  14. I think their ST and running game is where they gained their yards...
  15. That was pretty amazing and also pretty telling of the Jags effort to win. I mean, coooooome, onnnnnn!
  16. I bet he'll make more plays throwing the ball, when he has some guys that can do the little things like, you know, catch the ball.
  17. maybe, but it seemed to me he was just doing a fist pump and hit the guys legs. I mean, if there should be a game where there's room for emotion, it should be the NFL!
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