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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Another opinion on Casserly: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/03/05/taking-a-closer-look-at-charley-casserlys-report-regarding-kyler-murray/
  2. Not that one could use a loan from a foreign bank to buy an NFL team. Are these guys constantly media starved, or just stupid? Either way :facepalm:
  3. How does your 1% self-admitted "guess" answer it? At least my statistic wasn't just made up! ? The point I was making, to the OP, was "who cares" - Williams is going to fail / succeed on his own merits, not based on any other CFL receiver. I mean, how many CFL players at ANY position make it in the NFL? Not a lot, so extrapolate that to WRs...
  4. How many of them were Duke Williams? 0%. to the OP, in the end, I think it depends more on the individual rather than any statistical correlation. We're about to find out - start a spreadsheet now and let's track this going forward. CFL2NFL.com ? ?
  5. Marketing Manager you say? Call me when that's upgraded to a Director or VP level... ?
  6. What am I supposed to do, WORK during those hours!? The outrage! *pitchfork lit*
  7. Long was just on Sirius NFL - did anyone catch it? Stupid work got in my way. It's like, yeah everyone, I know this conference call was scheduled for 2:30 by ME, but look at Sirius for goodness sake, there's a Bills player on!!!
  8. The Dolphins change their stadium sponsor yearly, seems like a good opp for them. Welcome to Rub & Tug Field at Jupiter Massage Parlor Stadium!
  9. Does the first sentence you typed, go with the second one? There is video. But it won't go far. Okaaaay...
  10. Do we really need to explain this to all humans? Dear people, it's 2019, you can no longer get away with anything so just stop trying. You will be found out and exposed on the Internet. You know this.
  11. Let's also pretend that the Pats are only beating up on the AFC "Least", not the rest of the league... ?
  12. Thank F'n god the turf is going away! My TBD post count is going to go down next year when I don't have to B word about our players falling and slipping every other play!
  13. Me too - I really thought he was going to help our forever lacking TE corps and I wanted to ignore the knee red flags. Just feel like, in the end he was injured too often, then it seemed like lost his ability to catch in big situations. Regardless, here's to hoping we fill this roster spot with a young, dynamic TE!
  14. They are correct (by my reading of the data, at least). And don't call my Shirley. ?
  15. Takes so hot you can feel 'em from here! ? FWIW, here's the destruction of Buffalo by Clay as a Dolphin by year (from the Game Logs at: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/C/ClayCh00.htm ) 2011: Game 1: 4 Catches, 69 yards, 1 TD // Game 2: 1 catch / 30 yards / 0 TD 2012: Game 1: 0 Catches / 0 Yards / 0 TD // Game 2: Did Not Participate 2013: Game 1: 1 Catch / 7 Yards / 1 TD // Game 2: 4 Catches / 32 Yards, 0 TD 2014: Game 1: 7 Catches / 31 Yards / 0 TD // Game 2: 5 Catches / 31 Yards / 0 TD 22 catches, for 200 yards and 2 TDs in four years. Have fun with Wrong Josh, Charles. Too bad about those knees of yours, I had high hopes...
  16. Yes, because there are only 5 players from the old regime, McD has ALL of “his guys”.? Come on man, some of the guys on the team are just bodies. Yes, this regime put them on the team, but doesn’t mean they’re all “their guys”. Players that were dropped were gone for a reason - attitude, cost, ability. Seems like it was covered in other posts... And, per usual, I’m going to trust the pros in charge vs the TBD minority that think we’d be better having not turned over the roster. ?? Go Bills!!
  17. This thread Twitter is a good read. This TBD thread is mostly not...
  18. Watever - just another Carolina Connection! These guys need to get smart and bring in some REAL talent!!! ? (Great article!)
  19. Big Boi and Sleepy Brown, if you didn't love that... ?‍♂️ ATL's finest! ??
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