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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I have a LOT of problems with last nights episode, but none more than the way Jaimie and Cersei went out. Years of build up and THAT'S how it happens? Not to mention Jaimie even making it back to Cersei period! Wasn't he like dead for a second there before rallying?? ? I also didn't like the Hound telling Arya to leave, then Cersei is like right around the corner! I mean, cooooome on! Arya's a trained killer whose entire mission is to go there and Kill Cers, but instead she bails? Not buying it. Dany somehow learns to fight the big crossbows on boat and land now? Qyburn goes out just getting tossed aside!? Again, love me some Game of Thrones, but I should have known they would run out of time. Was obvi when they spent 8 years pumping up Ice v Fire . Dead v Living. And that battle, with the Night King, the craziest enemy ever, was over in one episode... Definitely interested to see how they wrap this up in an hour and a half!
  2. Fun episode, though I did find myself saying “I mean, cooOOOome on!” way too often...
  3. I feel like there has to be SOME reason it's like this (you know, beyond "hey, series is almost over!"). Still, there are images that show behind the "good guys" and there are no hills behind them... Just bugs me. That and the fact Cersei could have killed all of her enemies right then and there, but didn't for some reason?? Made no sense at all... Guess we'll know more / have more to B word about in just a few days!!
  4. Well, trying to figure out the moving King's Landing can lead one down a reeeeeeal rabbit hole. Not sure what was said on that last conference call, but I AM more convinced than ever King's Landing has changed several times... ?
  5. Note to self: Take more vacations in Denver, where you can vacation from your vacation... ?
  6. What's with King's Landing just completely changing? Or this view: Real head scratcher there... The even moved the city on the map: https://www.joe.ie/movies-tv/definitive-proof-geography-kings-landing-changed-game-thrones-668191
  7. I worked for the Rigas family at Adelphia in Coudy for a while - worst job I ever had (save for the that that we were, early on, connected to an Internet head-end and a little thing called Napster had just been invented. I had so many ZipDisks full of music). Mr. Rigas (John) once scolded me for not having my suit jacket on as I walked through the halls to the bathroom. Right then I was like "I have to get the hell out of here!" The sons went to jail too, correct? And I bet Coudy did throw a parade for John when he came home, he did a lot for that small town... Also, you guys are all bad at the Internet (from 7.1.18): https://buffalonews.com/2018/07/01/cancer-stricken-rigas-beating-the-odds-in-bid-to-bring-son-home-from-prison/ The 93-year-old former Adelphia chairman, released from prison in 2016 because doctors and officials expected him to die soon, is fighting to clear his name and to free his son, Tim, from prison.
  8. Billions is on fire this season! Great show... And full bummer about Counterpart going away. One of the best shows on non-TV!! Hoping that Amazon or someone else picks it up.
  9. But, they're not not the Earth - they're on whatever flat planet Westeros is on! ?
  10. Picture of the actual cup: Guessing that drawing is a "stock Internet thing" And I've watched the entire series, so I get the entertainment purposes lens (I mean, I don't have a problem with Dragons or the living dead, or the notion of some other entire planet / civilization). But just starting to feel like too many shortcuts. Like Dany is a bad ass, but then just flies blindly into the enemy? Ain't buying it...
  11. Which is one of my biggest beefs with last nights episode! 1) You're up above them, look around. 2) You've had a dragon killed in the past, be a little more cautious when flying into battle. 3) Maybe just don't fly HEAD ON into the boats, loop around and approach from the back so they have to shoot their own sails while you burn them up...
  12. $35+ tip - but that does include a wash and a nice hot towel head massage at the end. Also, Gentleman's Top Option only employees attractive young ladies Of course, those of you that know me know I don't spend a lot of time getting my hairscut...
  13. WTH was that? There were too many dumb moments to mention about last night's episode - from the fact that the army that won "The Great War" suddenly became tactically stupid, to the fact that we didn't get to see the most important moments. I LOVE this show, but last night was a big 'ol disappointment for me...
  14. Gotta be one in every thread I guess! ? Great video - love seeing that behind the scenes. The pressure, the decisions made, the phones being worked, has to be a fun (and stressful) time for those guys! As for the suits, pretty much the reason I gave up on every trying to work in the NFL. Heitz don't suit up unless it's a wedding or a funeral. ? Even most Fortune 500s don't rock suits these days - if I showed up at my clients office in a suit, they would all fall off their chairs...
  15. Which is why I've been suggesting we tailgate in the Lot during the OFF season! What's the Memorial Day rate? ?
  16. See, I'm trying to UP your revenue - Lunch and a Show @ Hammer's $13 (gotta undercut the Bills just enough) with the TaigateBros.org. I'll cook the white hots, Kenny and crew have the show covered - all you'll have to do is drop the occasional hammer on the unruly...
  17. Drinking hidden coat beers? Or, Just hop off the bus, walk yourself over to Hammer's and there you'll see the real definition of "tailgate" ??
  18. And, BTW, they're forcing people that take buses and limos that park in the bus/limo lot THAT WANT TO TAILGATE to pay the $15. If you don't want to tailgate, you don't need to pay the $15. Of course, you also need to question your life as to why you're at a Bills game and NOT tailgating, but that's on you... From the Q&A link a few pages ago. Q: So... boil it down for me in the bus lot. If you’re coming on a bus, you now have two options? A: If you’re not tailgating, nothing really changes from last year… you need to purchase your permit in advance. It’s still $100, but there’s no redeposit required. The tailgating option is really dependent on the capacity/size of the vehicle. The costs really break down to $15 per-person, regardless the size of your group. Those rates can be seen at tailgateguys.com
  19. Eagerly awaiting the purchase of my Kief 420 jersey... ?
  20. And this is probably it? $15 ain't $600. ? Also, the REAL thing we should all be bitching about is that we didn't start the business that is running this: http://tailgateguys.com. They're crushing it...
  21. I did a couple years ago - but we had him drop us off at Hammer's. We're Hammer's Lot people, not Limo Lot people ? Kirb, I feel like you're not looking at this with enough of a conspiratorial lens. Now, if you have any tinfoil in your kitchen, I can coach you through making a hat that will start you down the path where you'll understand this is a just a plan by The Man to take our money and eat our liquor!
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