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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I didn't quite realize this when I pre-ordered it, was definitely surprised when I opened it and saw mostly transcripts. Whatever, I'm sure it'll still be a breezy read at some point (I also may have drunk ordered The Dirt, so I'm in the middle of that book at the moment ?) I still have Sirius (have since the beginning) and while I do throw on Howard, it's definitely not an everyday thing. I still love his interviews, very few better than Howard with the long, in-depth conversations. It's obvious the guy cares about his job, his guests and does the research! But it definitely ain't the same without Artie - that guy was funny as hell. And too much of Benjy and some of the other annoying staff / character - when I hear Mary Ann from Brooklyn, I immediately change the channel.
  2. Sounds like there won't be an Arya spin-off, FWIW Game of Thrones spinoff featuring Arya Stark isn't happening according to HBO boss https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/game-of-thrones-arya-stark-spinoff-hbo BOOOOOO @ HBO ?
  3. Injury prone! (sorry I had to...That sucks for her, but glad she protected the kiddo)
  4. Now HERE'S the type of injury I would be OK with us getting up in arms about (you know, if he were on our team):
  5. Or he was healed, stepped on something funny and re-broke his foot. But no one to blame in that scenario, I guess...
  6. Good thing Arya became a Faceless Man - she sure used that ability a lot in the series. She became No One, only to come back and be a Stark (and now she's off to be Columbus), WTF? ?
  7. Well they were either going all out war, or all out feel good - guess they felt we needed a lift When they say "GoT is over" do they just mean until the spin off shows they basically showcased at the end? Review: Made me laugh, made me cry - I'll miss those people, but good for them! 8.5 / 10.
  8. Everyone got pretty "Tactically Stupid" this season - frustrating. Oh boy, less than 10 minutes! Regardless of who "ends up on the throne" (my opinion - no one), my pitchfork is lit!
  9. Right, so why not enjoy that journey, instead of hand-wringing about things that may or may not happen? Gil gave us praise, let's embrace it, at least until we're proven to suck. And I don't *hate* fans for anything, I'm just, as you said, trying to enjoy the journey - so stop bringing me down, bro! ?? And as they say, past performance isn't indicative of future results...
  10. Nice to hear Gil with a little Bills love. Not sure how that guy remembers so much about players from like 1940 - 2025. Also, thank goodness we have so many fans here that remind us to temper our enthusiasm - wouldn't wan't to get too optimistic in May! Hell, it might rain all summer, we don't know...
  11. They should have just dropped this as Season 8: I'm guessing Nuno ends up on the Throne... ??
  12. From that article: What about to Bills "fans"? ? Pretty clear that Buffalo had a plan whereas the Jets do not seem to.
  13. Exactly - the GM had to make moves to save his job, so, oh, yeah wait...
  14. And in ways it's totally different, but hey... As for the second part of that sentence, link?
  15. Better yet keep Gase as the HC and Rex at the GM! Could you imagine the team Rex would draft!?
  16. You KNOW Bell is reading this somewhere thinking "He didn't want me, I'll show him!". Seems like it should all go well... Twitter war in 3, 2,...
  17. This one just landed on my desk - we shall see how it is...
  18. RIP Pancho - you will be missed and remembered by all Bills fans around the country. ?❤️
  19. Even the folks at Deadspin wrote the last couple episodes than the HBO writers: https://theconcourse.deadspin.com/a-better-way-game-of-thrones-could-have-arrived-at-this-1834720538
  20. Just like in the previous episode when everyone is standing outside of King's Landing with about 10,000 arrows pointed at them and Cersei lets them just *walk away*!? Doubt it...
  21. The Night King, Season 8, Game of Thrones? 8 years of build up to winter, only to choke in the big battle...
  22. I mean did the Bills even check TBD before this signing!? I know THEY like the guy, but our Scouting Department is second to none in the NFL (message board) world! Welcome back Lee - now go knock someone on their ass!!
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