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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. And I don't understand the people who have come to conclusions like he's done, or won't play in many games based on almost no information... Much like everything with the Bills, we'll know more, when we know more!
  2. The correct response is "Allen is too short!!" ?
  3. The first WYTS thread succumbed to the pressure of political nonsense and was put out of it's misery, soooo here we are again. Let's don't mess this one up... Felt like we *needed* it since it's Jags week! https://deadspin.com/why-your-team-sucks-2019-jacksonville-jaguars-1836813580 Some classics in there, but I'll let the board discover the Marrone lines yourselves ?
  4. I guess that's not Weis, it's "Paul"...uh, someone? Sounds like Charlie though. Interview with Josh was good (someone posted a recap thread), I'm on to the Beane interview now...
  5. Did I mention I hate Charlie Weiss? Is that the third of trio I hear? Thank god one can pause Sirius and it just stays there - saving me during my on again, off again calls. In the middle of the Josh interview, love that kid!! Go Bills!!
  6. Because it was just TOO EASY? And I'm not criticizing, just busting some chops - I mean, when the thread is redundant to one like FIVE posts below and it's about the Buffalo "Bill's" I would be remiss if I DIDN'T bring it up...
  7. Of all the apostrophe misuse "Bill's" HAS to be one of the most offensive. It's also not "MTC's Sirius XM", it's "Sirius XM's MTC" (but I'm willing to let that one go) ? Also, this thread exists already: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/216794-fyi-siriusxm-nfl-camp-today-3-6pm/
  8. You don't even have to "show it", you just put in your address and say you can't get it. FWIW, I got the "auto-renewal" email for the ST Online and it was at a "great rate since I'm such a special customer" (that great rate was an increase of 10% over last year, WTF?). So I called to cancel yesterday and got bounced between DTV proper and the DTST.TV number, for a while no one could figure it out. One guy didn't even try. Finally after getting the right person, the woman let me know I'm not scheduled for auto-renew. Okaaaaaaay... I did the math and it's like $17 a game, but when you factor in - two games against the Pats on local TV (blacked out on ST), I'll be AT the opener, I'll be on vacation for two weeks, I'll be back in the Buffalo area for the final game - I'm missing half the PPV season. It's been a while since I've NOT had ST Online, so we'll see how it goes. Between the bars and that Red "It", I think I'll be ok. And if not, I'll jump in mid-season and pay less (price goes down after every quarter)...
  9. Thanks for the heads-up, looks like I need to move some meetings this afternoon... ?
  10. Since the Im WYTS thread got closed down, I’ll just leave this here: https://deadspin.com/why-your-team-sucks-2019-oakland-raiders-1836667319 One of the best so far, though, it ain’t hard to trash da Raiders...
  11. Wack. Also, I'm disappointed for Adidas to go along with this, they're usually pretty picky about their opportunities. "Hey we support a loud-mouth, spoiled jerk" is a bad look, IMO. That said, it's not going to affect my purchasing of more Boost shoes!
  12. NEVER heard of it (though they might become my provider next year)... ? ?
  13. FWIW, I haven't had any reliability issues in the past few years, using the "online only" version. About that, their "verification" for DTV service is just an online question "Can you get DTV?". No, we good I did get the email from them last week saying I was getting a "deal": To show our appreciation for loyal fans like you, we are providing you with a special rate for the 2019 season NFL SUNDAY TICKET.TV TO GO service. You will receive a confirmation email after each monthly payment of $69.49 (four easy payments total, using the same payment method from last season; the first charge will occur in mid-August, a few weeks before the start of the season). Which is funny, because last year I paid $63.12 ($252.48). The crazy part is I live in VT, so there's 2 games on regular TV; I go to the opener, so 1 more I'm not watching; I typically take vacation to Europe in the fall, so 2 more "no watching" games; there is always at least a couple on TV so there are 2 more "DTV blacked out" games. So like $250 for half the season...but damn, I DO like knowing I have access to watch my Bills!
  14. I bet you're wrong...annnnnnnnd, I win. Both the Rams and the Raiders have left LA, the Bills have never left Buffalo. And there's nothing like a football game in LA, in an outdoor stadium - the visitors side during the Bills / Chargers game at StubHub was like watching from the surface of the sun after a couple hours (could have been the game though...). I was so relieved during Dew Tour in Long Beach a few weeks ago when it was 75, not 90! ?
  15. I wouldn't be completely against a "Seattle style" stadium, could be a happy-medium. Though my preference is still a Minny style, DT, costs be dammed (the Pegula's want to leave a legacy...) ? I just hope that they wherever they land with the Roof / No Ceilings debate, they build something stylish and unique for Buffalo. Give me a signature piece, a shine for the Bills and the city of Buffalo! The last thing I'd want to see is another cinderblock warehouse like Indy. Just what the world needs... I mean, WTH, if you're going to spend $600M on a new building in Buffalo, let's at least make the thing COOL!!
  16. Interesting article on the potential of adding a retractable roof to Ford Field: https://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20180729/news/667236/the-perils-and-perks-of-adding-a-retractable-roof-to-ford-field Obviously this is about adding a retractable roof to an existing stadium, but brings up some interesting points about indoor v outdoor stadiums...
  17. I’ve been out in Cali the past couple weeks and got to experience the last couple nights of shakers. Slightly different 4th of July experience than Vermont... During the first one I was at my girlfriends place (a 4th floor apartment) and it didn’t freak me out too much. It was pretty obvious what was happening and the entire building is on rollers, so you felt the sway. During last night’s we had just sat down at a restaurant and before we even ordered we both felt it start and gave each other the oh ***** look! What made it a little more scary was that it was clearly stronger and kept rolling. I definitely had the thought “Wait, what if this doesn’t stop, maybe we should get up at get outta here.” Then it stopped and I thought “Can I have a Manhattan stat!”. Watching the news definitely feels like the start of a bad movie “The quakes were localized in the same fault and there’s a 27% chance of another 6 or greater in the next week. But it will be fine!” Sure, what could possibly go wrong... ?/? Stay safe Cali folks!!
  18. Animated fly-through of the Minny stadium...
  19. I've been to X-Games (and will hopefully be going back this year), it was great for that event, though it was a daytime event. Still, if you google US Bank and Concerts, seems like there has been quite a few over the years. Interesting that so many are calling for a retractable roof - do they even make those anymore ? (aside from Atlanta's billion dollar digs)? Seems like a waste of money in Buffalo, I'm not convinced there would be a enough "good days" to have the roof open. Also, I believe it depends on more than just weather - wind, light, etc. can all affect the decision to open or close the roof.
  20. Roof for me. Am I old? Soft? Spending too much time in SoCal? Probably... I'm going to continue to call out US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis as a great example of what can be done with a "roof". When you're in that stadium it feels like you're outside - it's pretty cool. And the entire front is basically big-ass doors that you can open for a breeze and open-air feel on those nice fall days... https://www.popularmechanics.com/adventure/sports/a19066/minnesota-viking-football-stadium-roof/
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