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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Game is on in Vermont - stoked I canceled the Sunday Tickey online. Sad they still charged my for it, but we’re working on that... ? Party at my place - Go Bills!
  2. Depends on what kind of race - bet I'd toast him in a snowboard race...
  3. FINALLY the talent (or, lack there of) train is going the opposite way! ?? ?
  4. Bills fans since Jim Kelly: all we need is a great QB, the rest will sort itself out! Bills fans the day after McCoy is cut: all we need is a great RB, the rest will sort itself out! ? fwiw, I agree w Gahan here - no more investing high picks, dollars or trade assets in RBs, please!
  5. It was better when it started 18 years ago, before the Internet was full of behind the scenes, inside scoops and constant tweet updates (much like everything, I suppose). Now I watchlike “Wait I’m watching stuff from a WEEk ago? What am I, a Luddite!?” It’s still fun to see some the personalities, but if it ain’t the Bills, my interest is already fading...
  6. Why isn’t “WTF are you talking about?” one of the choices? ✌?
  7. We signed two good receivers because our WR core sucked - and that was a dumb move. Makes sense...????‍♂️
  8. Hey, hey, no one here wants to hear the facts! Shoulda traded McCoy, Tyree and a 5th for him...
  9. So you believe that McCoy is the ONLY one of the RBs on the Bills roster that could have rushed for more yards than Allen? With an improved line, a young back complimented by an old, hard-working leader, I think we're going to be more than ok. One thing's for sure, we about to find out!
  10. Not buying it, makes TOO much sense! I don't even need a tinfoil hat on to understand this theory...
  11. I agree with the first bolded part, but it's a little harder to quantify the second. I mean, none of us were there everyday, in the rooms, on the practice field, etc. Shady is still a talented guy, but for how long? I'm a little sad to see him go, but not sad that a much younger back in Singletary is going to get a shot!
  12. Because we cut *Shady McCoy*? Okaaaaay...
  13. Really, nothing. Put it this way, do you think Beane who loves to wheel and deal didn’t at lest *try* to trade him? Yeah, why disrupt the locker room and cut anyone, period?! These guys have slogged together all summer, keep all 90 I say!! McAmateur doesn’t get it!
  14. Guess if the right offer was made, Beane would have pulled the trigger - he clearly isn’t shy about dealing... Bummed to see Shady go, but clearly the staff felt it’s time. Good luck Shady! ✌?
  15. Pretty obvi that there are some posters here that would praise anything anyone else does rather than even try to see the positives in any moves the Bills make ??‍♂️
  16. Well now, that was surprisingly exciting!! Off to go see the Pumpkins now, w a bit more pep in my step!
  17. Well, I mean, except for a potential job in the NFL (which he ain't gonna get, so maybe you're right, it is for nothing )...
  18. BARNBURNER! It does feel like we should be losing by more, Minny has had like 200 first downs...
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