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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Picked a perfect weekend to be on vacation in Copenhagen. I guess “touristy stuff”? ???
  2. More like: NFL: "Marcel you were caught with weed." Marcel: "I read on Twitter Percy Harvin smoked before every game, I just figured it was cool." ??? NFL: ?‍♂️
  3. Adam Gase, Super Genius: "Adam Gase’s desperate desire to bring Sam Darnold back to save the day ultimately put the Jets in a bigger bind entering this weekend’s game in Philly. Gase gave Darnold the lion’s share of first-team practice reps all week only to learn Thursday night that the franchise signal caller won’t be medically cleared to face the Eagles." https://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/ny-sam-darnold-mono-spleen-out-vs-eagles-20191004-y2yywbkcurhudkd7lbk3si7oyy-story.html
  4. "A Few Seconds of Panic: A Sportswriter Plays in the NFL" is a fun book on the subject. Author, NPR journalist and Scrabble master Stefan Fatsis tries out to become a kicker on the Broncos. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B001BAGW3W&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_on0LDbDV9R8D0 Fun story about a regular Joe, trying to make the NFL... And no football for me. The only pros I know stand sideways on boards or ride bikes
  5. And the D is the opposite with one new starter, who also happens to be our first round pick. Also, our coach is a D guy. Can't figure out why the O isn't as good at the D right now...
  6. Queue up the Train Whistle! I mean we love that as much as this thread...
  7. Hi, I'm here for the weed debaaaa...wait, did you say Chick-Fil-A! Mmmmmmm chiiiiiicken... I'm on my way
  8. A jersey to NOT buy for your daughter...
  9. I liked the tweet: "Stefon Diggs just bought a car at West Herr. Probably meaningless". ?
  10. Was going to say, he talked about that on Sirius (yesterday maybe..?) and said it was STILL hard to go against his instincts. Though the $5k did get his attention. Holmgren said if the game is on the line and there's one play, don't shut down your instincts, go for it - but if it's a random second down, just get down! I think that everyone underestimates how hard it is to shut down that competitive nature (and, quite frankly, to make good decisions under tons of duress). I feel like we're always going to see a little hero ball from Josh, but hopefully he'll learn to save himself - might just take a few years...
  11. Anytime we have a QB that loses we should go get another one! Then one year we'll be consistent at QB AND we'll have an undefeated season!!
  12. Sad I missed this! Love that Pizza Pete got a good score!!
  13. I had some friends yesterday that said Josh had a lot of time in the pocket yesterday. Did we watch the same game? The online is better than last year, but still struggling at times... And anyone that's giving up on a QB 4 games into his second season needs some perspective on achieving results. Rome was not build in a day, kids.
  14. Yes. Will be a good week to stay buried in work ? Love me some TBD, but I really enjoyed the game much more yesterday by NOT checking the board... And Josh is becoming Tyrod?? SMH You know my pitchfork is ALWAYS lit!
  15. You kids have fun out there - Feel free to send any leftovers to VT (wings or scotch ?)! Go Bills!!
  16. As has been said, nice work! What did you do those in? But yeah, the black unis are a hard pass for me. If we're going to go dark, let's at least go like "dark rain cloud gray" to match the later season weather ?
  17. NESN coverage of McDermott: https://nesn.com/2019/09/bills-coach-sean-mcdermott-marvels-at-patriots-unbelievable-defense/ At least tells me he has an understanding of what they're doing! I've often wondered that with past regimes... ?
  18. Would be interesting to see the time stat for every throw, you could get a better feel for an average throw. And see the scrambles and flip plays...
  19. So true, but hopefully the NFL will listen - they had to reaaaalllllly cringe when that tweet went out. Someone, somewhere is getting yelled at... ?
  20. So the two games we've won don't prove anything, but one loss will. And even if we win (and are 3 - 0), it doesn't show that we're good. Makes a TON of sense...
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