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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Ha - I'm friends with that guy, he lives in BTV. Got a ton of Internet love with the Useless Inventions
  2. Brady throws for 200 before the half, going into the locker room he's hit by an asteroid. After the half he'll come out and throw for 350, even though everyone else on his team has been obliterated. So frustrating...
  3. As always rooting for the Pats to lose and Brady to retire at halftime. Somehow, instead, the Pats will will win by 40...
  4. Implosion! He did get smacked on that carry / fumble...
  5. TBD be oxymoroning like: KEEP CALM and FREAK OUT!!!
  6. BOOM! I raise a toast your way brotha...
  7. Helmets are really the bane of the NFL this season... ?
  8. The type that enjoys hanging out in Hammer's Lot as much as the game itself?
  9. All red. All blue. All white. I'm sensing a theme here... Guess you gotta keep all those home games "fresh" - LOOK different colors! ?
  10. I sometimes wonder if people on TBD have even like, bought something on Cragslist. Sometimes you get what you want at the price you want, sometimes, not so much and you walk away. You don't fail just because you didn't overpay for something...
  11. Jets and Dolphins are competing for most first round picks in next years draft... All I know is that if the Bills don't land at least one pro bowler, on both sides of the ball, for no more than one 4th round pick, this season is a complete failure and I'm going to become a Roughriders fan!
  12. I’ve been in Italy for several games over the years and have always had trouble finding a spot that shows all the NFL games. Since it’s the feature game, who’s knows - Good luck! Last week in Barcelona I “found a link” and watched on my phone over dinner ?
  13. To get a WR of his caliber (if healthy and not-suspended) without having to give up a pick is pretty intriguing. Obviously the culture fit is huge too, but Josh throwing deep to that guy could be deadly...
  14. Is this a thread because a rando on Twitter said his "Official Sources" said the Bills are trading for Davis? I saw that too, but don't trust "sources" with 400 followers... ?
  15. Schein on AJ Green (with a mention of His Guy, Josh Allen):
  16. It’s Gameday Baby - Let’s Go Bills! fwiw, I’m in Barcelona and the game won’t be on until 7pm. Seems like a loooong wait, also not quite sure where I’m even going to watch, but I’ll figure it out ???
  17. I expect the next headline to be: “Dolphins moving on from players. Bringing in actual Dolphins.” ???
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