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Everything posted by GG

  1. IIRC Rex said that Dareus was going to play vs Rams before he injured his hamstring on Friday before the game. With Shaq, he said he'll definitely start practicing this week and then they'll evaluate on whether he'll play in the game.
  2. I don't know if that's the case in NYJ. Marshall has been the only consistent receiving option and a good voice in the locker room. BTW, for masochism I replayed the Jets game. Fitz played out of his mind. He hasn't come close to that performance in any other game. Kind of like when we got destroyed by Stephen Hill.
  3. And proving that he's Fitz. he's back on the bench.
  4. Except that over the last 8 years, taxes have increased by a highest rate in a generation, regulation has increased and few trade deals have expanded. Yet, wealth inequality has risen much more than in previous administrations. So maybe you can find other demons to slay
  5. Nice for the refs to put the whistles away in last three minutes.
  6. I guess that explains you later in life.
  7. Why are you debating the obvious?
  8. Fitz blew his load vs Buffalo. He hasn't been the same since that game. I don't know what else the defense could have done to counter perfect ball placement and insane catches by the WRs. Jets haven't come close to that game all year.
  9. There are things they said, and things they did, like signing Reggie Rogers, James Lofton and keeping Biscuit.
  10. Are you saying that supply side policies exacerbate wealth inequality?
  11. I'm not aware of anyone starting a confrontation because there were nude statues of Trump. The double standard is in clear view.
  12. If you go through life waiting to be offended, you will be. Presuming that somebody is of certain race/ethnicity because their facial features match the dominant characteristics of that race/ethnicity shouldn't be offensive, unless that presumption is accompanied by a vile act.
  13. Kaepernick as a Muslim was trending on the Net as guilt by association, as his girlfriend is Muslim and is apparently a key catalyst to his newfound activism. That's my guess on why the OP started the thread. It's a totally irresponsible hit job by Klemko considering the video singles out Alexis. Her response was perfect.
  14. Because the main issue of this thread is journalistic standards and integrity. Klemko's original report stated that the video shows people, including Alexis, shouting 'tackle the Muslim" when no such video evidence exists. He then took down his tweets, and changed the story that he had heard it somewhere in the parking lot. Yet, if you do a simple Google search, there are multiple reposts and links to the story from other major news organizations purporting that the video shows Bills fans shouting "Tackle the Muslim" And again when you watch the videos, there's nothing in them that's derogatory towards any race or religion, just to Kaepernick. But the false meme has been established by the enlightened lazy journalists.
  15. Why would Jews be offended if somebody misidentified him as a Jew? Why do people immediately assume that somebody else is going to be offended?
  16. A weird protest begets weird responses, including phantom press reports that somebody uttered Kill the Muslim.
  17. Incoherent? That's the best you can come up with? So while his views are incoherent, it's ok for everybody to impart their own views on what his incoherent thoughts say and deem them ok, but then opine than any opposing views are dangerous? Do you recognize how silly that sounds?
  18. My inbred privilege must have built up an immunity to it.
  19. Funny how very few enlightened people don't see Kaep's views as bigoted as well.
  20. Probably the same as "Tackle the Christian" Poor taste and judgment. But doesn't excuse false narratives in journalism. I'm guessing that deep down Klemko was hoping that the woman tackling Kaep's dummy wasn't a woman of color.
  21. I usually don't make things up. Media Matters FB Post BTW, how do I embed the video in a post?
  22. Just saw a funny post on FB. Apparently Hillary supporters are circulating a video that claims that CNN is now a network full of Trump apologists. I take it they don't have any mirrors in their house.
  23. As good a place as any for this piece.
  24. Do you post these things without doing any research on these groups? Houthies (Ansar Allah) are as allied with Saleh as the desert wind blows. Which shouldn't surprise anyone who's been following the Mid East for more than a month.
  25. That play looked clean during regular game action, but was clear PI on the replay. The side judge who's behind the play running on the Falcons' sideline had a clear view of Sherman grabbing the arm and holding Jones down. The call is doubly insulting considering the flag the refs threw on DRC in the Giants/Ravens game.
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